
Wannabe Rocky drug kingpin's identity revealed

CAREER criminal Ashley Ryan Williams was on the verge of turning his street-level drug ring into a wholesale business before his bust in 2015

Methamphetamine. Picture: kaarsten
Methamphetamine. Picture: kaarsten

CAREER criminal Ashley Ryan Williams was on the verge of turning his street-level drug ring into a wholesale business before his bust in 2015.

The son of prominent Rockhampton Region councillor Tony Williams fronted the Rockhampton Supreme Court this morning pleading guilty to one count of drug trafficking and three counts of drug possession.

A telecommunications warrant tapped his three mobile phones, which detailed his crimes spanning across a three-month period between August 26, 2015 and November 27, 2015.

His drug ring, with 18 associates, was not highly sophisticated, but one that had aspirations of commerciality. He had plans to bring in $30,000 of high-quality methylamphetamines to Rockhampton.

On July 5, 2017, police executed a search warrant where they found a small quantity of drugs. He has been in custody since then.

Dressed in business attire, Williams gave a swift nod to Justice Duncan McMeekin upon entry. He is no stranger to the court room; his eight-page criminal history serving as proof.

Ashley Ryan Williams. Picture: Contributed
Ashley Ryan Williams. Picture: Contributed

Crown prosecutor Samantha O'Rourke told the court of the most alarming part of his three-month trafficking charge.

The threats of violence Williams' used via a standover man to deal with unpaid debt.

"His debts owed ranged from $200-$5500. And he told the man to 'Go jump on his head to scare him, keep the money if he pays it'," Ms O'Rourke told the court.

"That $5500 and the fact he didn't worry about the money shows he was well-off financially.

"He might have been a street-level dealer, but he had real aspirations to purchase wholesale drugs.

"He had discussed buying 10 ounces for $30,000 and boasted about being able to obtain it."

The court heard of his "blatant disregard" for the law and past sentencing which led to Ms O'Rourke asking for a five-year sentence.

Defence barrister Jordan Ahlstrand spoke about Williams' failed family relationships and how he was introduced to drugs as a teenager.

"He was drinking excessively and smoking cannabis at 15," Mr Ahlstrand told the court.

"His drug use progressed regrettably and he was injecting meth daily by age 20.

"He has been ostracised from both his parents and siblings."

Justice McMeekin was swift to cut Mr Ahlstrand off.

"There is not much you can say for your client," he said, arms folded.

"He has thrown away his chance time and time again.

"His remorse cannot be taken seriously as he will be be in and out of jail and back again.

"His antecedences are terrible and his debts suggest he was a busy man.

"You have a shocking criminal history and lectures from me will not help. It is a very sad tale."

Justice McMeekin handed Williams a five year sentence in total. A parole eligibility date was set for March 2019.

Originally published as Wannabe Rocky drug kingpin's identity revealed

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