
Rocky councils list of meeting dates from April

The schedule until June has been approved

THE FIRST ordinary Rockhampton Regional Council meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday April 14 at 9am.

It is then planned the meetings would be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.

Meetings would be on April 14, April 28, May 12, May 26, June 9 and June 23.

The schedule will be reviewed again closer to the last date.

The fixing of the first Ordinary Meeting affords council the opportunity to address:

• Governance issues affecting council in an immediate sense which require council


• Administrative issues affecting council in an immediate sense which require council

resolution (eg matters arising from and confirmation of minutes of previous council);

• Emergent issues arising during the “caretaker period” which require council resolution.

This was motioned at the post-election meeting, held on Wednesday night.

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