
Louwanna Thyra Goltz has been incarcerated at Brisbane Women’s Correctional Centre

A Rockhampton woman accused of murdering her own son has been moved from the watchhouse to a major women’s prison ahead of her next court date. See more details here.

Scenes from the alleged murder of Zion Ziggy Sean Goltz

The mother and accused murderer of eight-year-old Zion Goltz has been incarcerated at a Brisbane women’s prison, awaiting her next court date.

Zion Ziggy Sean Goltz was found unresponsive by police at his Rockhampton home just after 2am on Saturday July 30.

His mother, Louwanna Thyra Goltz, 36, was charged and arrested by police that afternoon with one count of murder.

Zion Ziggy Sean Goltz in his school uniform, Berserker Street State School.
Zion Ziggy Sean Goltz in his school uniform, Berserker Street State School.
Louwanna Thyra Goltz is from Rockhampton and has family ties to Woorabinda.
Louwanna Thyra Goltz is from Rockhampton and has family ties to Woorabinda.

Her matter was heard in Rockhampton Magistrates Court on the following Monday, August 1 and was adjourned until October 26, while the court awaits autopsy results.

Early indications report Zion had strangulation marks on his neck, it is alleged in court documents.

Goltz was remanded in custody and was held at the Rockhampton Watchhouse and was moved to the Brisbane Women’s Correctional Centre sometime over the weekend.

Goltz was assessed by the Mental Health Acute Team at Rockhampton Hospital when she was detained by police on the morning of the alleged incident but could not be admitted due to her “apparent circumstances”.

The bail documents submitted by police officers to the court state the “offence of murder is the most serious, violent offence a person can be charged with”.

“This incident compounded further by the fact that the defendant (Goltz) is the mother of the victim child (Zion), who was not in her care for the first seven years of his life and was only returned to her in the last 12 months, that the child was said to be diagnosed with Autism and struggled the first year of his life as he was born extremely prematurely and required the use of an oxygen tank,” the police bail documents read.

Zion Ziggy Sean Goltz has been remembered for his cheeky grin and happy personality.
Zion Ziggy Sean Goltz has been remembered for his cheeky grin and happy personality.
Zion Ziggy Sean Goltz died on July 30, 2022.
Zion Ziggy Sean Goltz died on July 30, 2022.

Goltz’s clothing was also seized and will undergo a forensic examination, along with the crime scene at the Waterloo Street unit, where the crime allegedly occurred.

The only Queensland prisons that accommodate women are in South-East Queensland and the Townsville Women’s Correctional Centre, which is low security.

According to Queensland Corrective Services data from 2020, women make up about 10 per cent of the total prison population.

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