
Leadfoot real estate boss Jason Rayner got a warning from Magistrate Cameron Press as well as fines

A magistrate warned the 60-year-old repeat offender “you’re going to end up killing someone and you’re going to end up going to jail.”

Jason Rayner.
Jason Rayner.

Magistrate Cameron Press did not figuratively buy what Rockhampton real estate boss Jason Charles Rayner was trying to sell him.

After Rayner, 60, pleaded guilty in Yeppoon Magistrates Court on September 30 to two counts of speeding, he offered Mr Press an explanation for his actions and what he got in return was a warning from the magistrate.

In relation to the first speeding offence, the court heard that on February 10, at 3.05pm, police clocked Rayner driving at 81kmh in a 50kmh zone on Hyde Street, North Rockhampton.

Police in an unmarked vehicle activated emergency lights and intercepted Rayner in a black Dodge Ram ute.

When questioned by officers, Rayner said he was in a hurry to get home to see his dog because it had just had an operation.

Rayner was issued with an electronic infringement notice.

On a later date, Rayner advised police that he wanted the matter to go to court.

He was subsequently issued with a notice to appear in court.

In relation to the second speeding offence, the court heard that on March 14, at 4.07pm, police clocked Rayner driving on Farnborough Beach at 71kmh in a 50kmh zone.

Police in an unmarked vehicle again activated their emergency lights and intercepted Rayner.

When questioned, Rayner told police that he was unaware of the speed limit on that section of the beach.

When asked if he had seen the signs, he told officers he was busy trying to keep his dogs under control in the vehicle and there was no reason or emergency requiring him to exceed the speed limit.

He was issued with an electronic infringement notice.

Rayner also wanted this matter to go to court and was issued with a notice to appear.

In court, the prosecution said Rayner’s traffic history may have an influence on the court in relation to penalty as it “is a traffic record that contains many offences of a like nature.”

Rayner, representing himself in court, addressed Mr Press.

“Your Honour, in my defence, I have been driving...” Rayner said before Mr Press interjected with “Well it’s not a defence because you’ve pleaded guilty.”

Rayner continued: “I run a busy real estate office...” when Mr Press again interjected with “That doesn’t allow you to speed, Sir.”

Rayner responded: “I know that. On the day I tried to explain to the officer, I was feeling a little bit of angst getting home to the dog, and unfortunately it was the same dog that I was taking down for a rest a month later on Farnborough Beach. And I stated that in both, on the days the police officers have said that. And I was just after a little bit of, you know, empathy.”

Mr Press replied: “Why, why, would they give you empathy, Sir, when they look at your record? You see the reality is this - you keep doing this, you’re going to end up killing someone and you’re going to end up going to jail.

“It’s as simple as that.

“You don’t comply with traffic regulations regarding speed.

“And you think that just because you’re a busy real estate agent you can not comply with speed regulations.

“In fact, that’s all the more reason for you to comply with speed regulations, Sir.

“Because you need your licence in your job.”

Rayner replied: “I understand that, I understand that.”

Mr Press added: “So you need to start acting prudently when you drive vehicles, Sir.

“Because it will come against you, sure as night follows day.”

Mr Press fined Rayner $622 for the first offence and $444 for the second, with traffic convictions recorded.

After issuing that penalty, Mr Press said: “Please heed the warning I’ve given you.”

Rayner replied: “I will, I will, Your Honour.”

Mr Press finished with: “Thank you.”

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