
Juvenile crime: rocks thrown at taxi driver over fare evasion

A Rockhampton teenager had been expelled from two high schools, moved out of home and was living with mates when he threw rocks at a taxi driver after refusing to pay his fare. His rap sheet is staggering.

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A 13-year-old who threw a rock at a taxi driver to avoid paying a fare went on to commit 31 more offences, including assault, over a two-month period earlier this year and is still in detention for other crimes.

The boy, now 14, pleaded guilty on September 3 in Rockhampton District Court to one count of common assault.

Crown prosecutor Tiffany Lawrence said the defendant and four other juveniles got into the victim’s maxi taxi on July 26, 2020, and directed him to drive to a specific street, but refused to give him a house number.

She said once they arrived at the street, the children fled and the victim chased them for a period of time.

Ms Lawrence said a co-offender, who had already been dealt with by the courts, threw the first rock at the victim.

She said while the victim was on the ground as a result of the first rock attack, the defendant threw another rock at him which struck the victim in the sternum.

All the juveniles fled, but were later located wearing the same clothing seen on the maxi taxi CCTV.

The court heard the defendant had been placed on a probation order on June 26, 2021, for a two month crime spree from earlier this year and his “compliance wasn’t great”.

He was then remanded in custody on July 14.

A youth justice worker told the court it was the first time the defendant had been placed on a probation order and there had been a limited time between the order being made and him being remanded in custody.

They said the defendant had been expelled from a Rockhampton high school earlier this year due to his behaviour but he had engaged with Education Queensland during the six weeks before sentencing for the taxi driver assault.

A presentence report showed he had poor frustration tolerance. He was also influenced by peers, marijuana and alcohol use.

Defence barrister Julie Marsden said her client had been expelled from two high schools and claimed he did not like school.

She said that during the period of offending, he had left his family home where his five siblings lived and was living with mates.

Ms Marsden said the defendant intended on moving back home with his mother when released from custody.

She said his mother worked in disability and was “willing and able to support” her son to complete any community based orders he might be sentenced to do.

Ms Marsden said there was also an opportunity for her client to get employment with a fast food outlet thanks to a family friend.

Judge Jeff Clarke told the juvenile his behaviour was “a pretty cowardly thing to do”.

He placed the defendant on a three-month probation order with no convictions recorded.

The juvenile was scheduled to be sentenced in Rockhampton Childrens Court on September 7 for his outstanding charges.

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