
Former One Nation candidate Torin O’Brien in Rockhampton court

A gym owner and anti-youth crime vigilante, recently revealed to have been charged with a property offence, has returned to court – this time with an alleged accomplice.

Rockhampton man, Torin O'Brien at his Gym today.
Rockhampton man, Torin O'Brien at his Gym today.

A gym owner and former One Nation candidate who runs a mentor program for at-risk teens and is before the courts on an “enter dwelling and commit charge” has a co-accused, it can be revealed.

Torin O’Brien, 37, became a household name after he led a mob of 100 angry locals to the homes of alleged criminal teens in May, 2023.

The move, which went viral online, sparked a tense stand-off with numerous police forced to protect the homes from several outraged locals trying to get inside.

The former candidate for the state seat of Rockhampton in 2020 had made a Facebook appeal for information about the identity of the alleged thieves who had broken into his sister’s home and urged locals to attend a ‘rally’ to organise “neighbourhood watch groups”.

He had since revealed he started a program to help troubled youths.

Mr O’Brien recently appeared in Rockhampton Magistrates Court, represented by solicitor Mark Morrow who also appeared as friend of the court for Mr O’Brien’s co-accused Julia Chayse Reed, 23, who has the same charge.

The offence was allegedly committed on February 10 in the North Rockhampton suburb of Kawana.

Mr Morrow said he had been advised the brief of evidence was available for collection and he sought three weeks to read it and meet with Mr O’Brien to decide the next step.

Both Mr O’Brien and Ms Reed’s matters were adjourned to June 26.

Both are on bail.

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