
Central Qld man Ryan Moschioni sentenced after Yeppoon car crash

When this Central Queensland man crashed his car down a steep embankment into water, he was completely honest with the cops about who was to blame.

Ryan Moschioni was sentenced in Yeppoon Magistrates Court.
Ryan Moschioni was sentenced in Yeppoon Magistrates Court.

When Ryan Moschioni crashed his car down a steep embankment into water at Yeppoon, he was completely honest with police.

He told them when he crashed, he had been using his phone to change a song playing on the vehicle’s stereo system.

The other problems for Moschioni were he was drunk at the time and his registration had been expired for 49 days, leaving the car uninsured.

The 30-year-old pleaded guilty in Yeppoon Magistrates Court to drink driving, using a mobile phone while driving, and driving an unregistered and uninsured vehicle.

Ryan Moschioni.
Ryan Moschioni.

The court heard after Moschioni crashed on Neils Road, Barmaryee, on July 5, he returned a blood alcohol reading of .096 which was his second drink-driving offence in the past five years.

A self-represented Moschioni was also forthright in court with Acting Magistrate Stephen Byrne.

“I was transparent to the (police) officers then and I will be to you, sir,” Moschioni said.

“The only reason there’s a mobile phone charger there is because... I told the officers I was using my phone.”

In sentencing on July 25, Mr Byrne fined Moschioni $2000 and disqualified him from driving for six months.

A traffic conviction was recorded.

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