
Livingstone mayor Andrew Ireland defends $23,000 election donation

With four mayoral candidates and 16 councillor candidates, there has been $32,892 in gifts received on the official register for Livingstone while the Rockhampton region has $800 recorded.

Livingstone mayor Andrew Ireland and deputy mayor Adam Belot.
Livingstone mayor Andrew Ireland and deputy mayor Adam Belot.

Livingstone mayor Andrew Ireland has defended a $23,000 donation from a business owner to his election campaign, stating there would be no kickbacks.

Data has been published on the Electoral Commission Queensland website of all of the gifts and loans made to people running for mayor and councillor.

A gift is defined by ECQ as a present of money, property or service given without receiving something of equal value in return.

Across Queensland for the 2024 local government election, a total of $2,714,741 has been recorded on the electronic disclosure system.

In Livingstone, a total of $32,892 has been recorded to have been gifted to candidates.

In Rockhampton, $800 has been recorded with neither donations going towards the two mayoral candidates.

Andrew Ireland, who is vying for his second term as mayor, has had three donations, two of which have been from himself, totalling $853.

He received a donation on February 2 from Malcolm Gates for a sum of $23,000.

Livingstone mayor Andy Ireland.
Livingstone mayor Andy Ireland.

Comparing ECQ public data, it is the 7th highest donation for the 2024 local government elections.

When asked his response on this fact on election day eve, Mr Ireland said he doesn’t “keep tabs on what ranking it has”.

“I am very grateful for such a generous donation,” he said.

The required disclosure form states Mr Gates is a business owner in storage.

A search online showed he is a “long-time commercial fisherman” and has worked in the trawl and spanner crab industry in Central Queensland since the 1970s.

He owns land in Taranganba.

Mr Ireland said Mr Gates is not a developer and there is no expectation on his behalf or paybacks.

He said he has used the money entirely on the election campaign, as what is statutorily required.

Mr Gates explained he and his partner Rosemary’s donation to Mr Ireland after it garnered attention on social media.

“I do understand our donation has drawn attention,” he said in a letter to the editor.

“Some who do not know myself or Rosemary, were quick to make harsh judgement about our motives.

“Personally I believe in Andrew and known him as a trustworthy with community and family values.

“Andrew’s experiences in his position as a past council CEO and as mayor for our community, we believe makes him the best candidate for the job.

“There is an agreement between Andrew Ireland and Malcolm Gates, and it is very simple: I will never ask Andrew Ireland for anything as mayor except a fair hearing; no more than any other ratepayer.”

He ended his letter by stated Rosemary had recently passed and he is continuing the great work she started in domestic violence support and he hopes in good stead that the future council will continue to work with him in providing domestic violence support in Livingstone shire.

More data on the ECQ website states Mr Ireland has spent $9,315 in expenditure for video production, registration fee for community forum, nomination, radio advertisement, billboard signs, electronic signs, booking fee and nomination fee.

Deputy Mayor Adam Belot.
Deputy Mayor Adam Belot.

Fellow candidate and current deputy mayor Adam Belot has received $11,500, all of which except one are from himself.

The one remaining one is from Lynne Trevis for $1,000.

It is understood she is a family member of Surf Lakes CEO Aaron Trevis.

Mr Belot has shares in Surf Lakes, which is noted on his Register of Interests, which statutorily identifies potential conflicts of interest.

Grantley Jack, mayoral candidate for Livingstone Shire Council.
Grantley Jack, mayoral candidate for Livingstone Shire Council.

Grantley Jack has received $26,388, all of which have been from himself or through his company, NRG Industrial.

Kelvin Appleton, councillor candidate for Livingstone Shire Council.
Kelvin Appleton, councillor candidate for Livingstone Shire Council.

No gift donations were recorded for Kelvin Appleton.

Election day for the 2024 local government elections is on Saturday, March 16.

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