
Community debates permanent Farnborough Beach night driving ban

A looming permanent night driving ban for the Capricorn Coast’s most popular beach has got the community well and truly fired up with plenty of people having their say.

An aerial view of Farnborough Beach. Inset: Scott Lynch (top left) and Clive King (right).
An aerial view of Farnborough Beach. Inset: Scott Lynch (top left) and Clive King (right).

The possible introduction of a permanent night driving ban for Yeppoon’s Farnborough Beach has got the community fired up.

This publication reported last week that a ban was on the cards after the Farnborough Beach Access Group, formed to help fix issues with vehicular traffic on the popular stretch of coastline, recommended Livingstone Shire Council close Farnborough Beach to vehicles from 8pm to 4am.

The only exclusion from the proposed night beach driving ban would be for people launching and retrieving vessels, as the area is popular with fishers and provides access to Corio Bay.

The proposed night driving ban for Farnborough Beach was discussed at the most recent monthly council meeting, where councillors unanimously agreed to amend the relevant local law, which effectively gives the council a mechanism to restrict vehicle access and, if it wishes, introduce a permanent night ban.

An access to Farnborough Beach at Yeppoon. Photo: Livingstone Shire Council.
An access to Farnborough Beach at Yeppoon. Photo: Livingstone Shire Council.

A few things would still have to happen for such a move to come to fruition if Livingstone’s councillors deemed it necessary.

The possibility of a ban has sent community debate into overdrive with former Central Queensland newspaper fishing columnist Scott Lynch and well-known local boating and fishing enthusiast Clive King among those weighing in.

Here’s what they and some other readers have had to say.

Scott Lynch said: “Don’t blame the council when the flogs who can’t stay off the dunes have forced them to react.”

Scott Lynch with a barra.
Scott Lynch with a barra.

Karly Fowler said: “Makes sense from a safety perspective; beaches are highly dynamic environments and aren’t maintained like a road, so there’s a risk of drivers not seeing/hitting washouts, wildlife or washed up debris when driving at night.”

Ari Miles said: “What tiny group of people within the wider CQ community does this actually benefit? A few people who bought dirt cheap “beachfront property” and then complained at the fact it’s always been a gazetted road.”

Clive King said: “We are slowly losing our liveability in our region due to our leaders bad decisions. Bad behaviour by a select few ruin it for all instead of authorities dealing with the problem first hand by dishing out heavy fines, everybody gets wrong!”

Clive King.
Clive King.

Darren Jobling said: “Why does every “trial closure” always result in a permanent closure. Do they really think the public is that stupid?”

Jeff Philippi said: “The government should not be allowed to make laws like that. People need more freedoms, not less.”

An aerial view of Farnborough Beach. Photo: Livingstone Shire Council.
An aerial view of Farnborough Beach. Photo: Livingstone Shire Council.

Veronnike Johnson said: “Absolutely ridiculous, you can thank the few that can’t behave themselves, why not put monitoring cameras up along the beach and fine the ones doing the wrong thing so the rest of us don’t get punished.”

Paul Johnson said: “Sadly this is going to stop the honest people that actually look after the beach. The ones that don’t follow the rules aren’t going to follow the closure bans and then we lose the last beach we have here to drive on. As a 4wd community maybe we stand up for what we have and start dobbing them in. I for one are sick of losing places to go.”

One of 26 sites where four-wheel-driving has damaged dunes and vegetation on the Farnborough Beach stretch. Photo: Livingstone Shire Council.
One of 26 sites where four-wheel-driving has damaged dunes and vegetation on the Farnborough Beach stretch. Photo: Livingstone Shire Council.

Keeley Lawrence said: “Times have changed for the worst with technology and the freedoms people are allowed.....surely they can look at other measures.”

Tam Alexander said: “Great about time.”

David Cooney said: “They shouldn’t be driving there at night anyways for conservation purposes such as turtles etc.”

Peter Ein said: “Five Rocks will be next you watch.”

Shiloh Chambers said: “To all the idiots doing donuts and ripping through the sand dunes tearing the beach up it’s all your doing you’re all dead set morons. Ruined it for everyone.”

Ross Rees said: “Well if the p plates and other morons didn’t rip up the beach and dunes this wouldn’t be happening.”

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