
Aus Day indigenous shooter’s life spiral due to drugs

A young man’s life has spiralled out of control due to party drugs, resulting in him either being in prison or on parole for the past five years.

HE went to a private school, paid by his respectable working parents, worked for 10 years in a trade before drugs took control of his life, resulting in him either being in prison or on parole for the past five years.

Hayden John Nitz is one of the many drug addicted criminals in our region that has had his life controlled by an illicit substance.

Nitz, 31, pleaded guilty to two counts of choking in Rockhampton District Court on Thursday.

Crown prosecutor Lara Soldi said Nitz’s extensive criminal history included “some alarming convictions” and started with “racially motivated” offending in 2007 where he and others attended Rockhampton parks and shot at indigenous youth on Australia Day.

Ms Soldi said Nitz’ offending became increasingly dangerous from 2014 and he was convicted of drug trafficking in May 2015.

Nitz had been buying and selling drugs, including MDMA, cocaine and methamphetamine, from March 2013 to March 2014.

Ms Soldi said since May 2014, Nitz has either been in prison or on parole.

Defence barrister Jordan Ahlstrand said Nitz went to Emmaus College until Grade 10, completed a mechanics apprenticeship and worked in mechanic workshops or tyre businesses for 10 years.

He said his parents – mother a nurse and father a builder and locksmith – would accept Nitz back into their home upon his release from prison.

Mr Ahlstrand said Nitz starting using meth in his early 20s.

Judge Michael Burnett, after reading out Nitz’s criminal record which included going armed to cause fear, assault occasioning bodily harm, assault police, attempted wounding, stealing and drug trafficking, commented: “No doubt you are a great disappointment to your parents.”

Ms Soldi said Nitz had been at a concert with his partner of two months the night he choked her twice.

“There was some animosity during the night,” she said.

Ms Soldi said they went to a car where Nitz abused his victim and as she went to leave, he grabbed her.

“He wrapped his arm around her neck and tried to pull her toward him which stopped her breathing,” she said.

“She cried and told him if he did that again, she would hit him with an empty bottle.

“She tried to get out of the car again. He grabbed her in a choke hold but let go.”

Ms Soldi said they continued arguing at home.

“The defendant ceased the victim by the throat with both hands, applied pressure which stopped her breathing,” she said.

“She cried ‘kill me, kill me’ and he let go of her.”

The victim fell to the floor and Nitz told her to be quiet or he would stomp on her, raising his foot to indicate he would.

The victim lodged a complaint with police the next day and police caught up with Nitz in Rockhampton days later.

Nitz cried as Judge Burnett a two-year prison term, cumulative on the six-year drug trafficking sentence he is serving after parole was revoked after the choking incident.

Nitz’s parole eligibility date was set at February 20, 2020 with his full-term expiry date set for May 2023.

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