
QUT StalkerSpace 2.0 has been reinstated by Facebook

Students who rallied to save a controversial Queensland University of Technology Facebook page deleted in January for breaching community standards have been successful

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UPDATE 4:50pm: QUT Stalker2Space appears to have been removed again.

Students who rallied to save the controversial Queensland University of Technology student Facebook page ‘QUT StalkerSpace 2.0’ have been successful.

A community of nearly 50,000 members are celebrating the page’s reopening this morning after two months in limbo.

Facebook deletes controversial QUT group after ‘toxic’ cyber-bullying

The StalkerSpace page, now rebranded as QUT Stalker2Space, was deleted in January after it was flagged for breaching community standards hours after a student was cyberbullied.

More than 1800 people signed a petition launched by the QUT student guild two weeks ago demanding Facebook reconsider the merits of the page’s deletion.

“It is my belief, alongside the broader student community, that the permanent removal of the group was unjust, and negatively impacts student life at our university,” the University’s student guild President Mr Vinnie Batten said.

“Students relied on the group to ask questions about university, post memes specific to students at QUT, and use it a way to make friends.

“It contains years of QUT history. It was an important part of what it meant to be a QUT student.”

QUT Stalker2Space celebrate the page's reinstatement via meme
QUT Stalker2Space celebrate the page's reinstatement via meme

StalkerSpace administrator Jack Chilton said the group had been unfairly portrayed and was never a ‘no-holds-barred place for mockery’.

“Dylan Griffiths was 100% positive in regards to his treatment within the group,” Mr Chilton said.

“Our humour is about mateship and camaraderie. It’s as Australian as it gets.

“We offer a chance to laugh. A chance to know you’re not alone. We offer support to students asking for help, and remind everyone that we’re all in this together.

“We’re here to make life better for QUT students, and with our rightful reinstatement, we can finally get back to doing that.”

Facebook have not provided the group with any feedback from the review.

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