
Queensland’s Opposition slams Labor’s last-minute JobKeeper motion

Queensland’s Parliament has voted to lobby the federal government to extend JobKeeper, despite the Opposition describing the move as a ‘cheap little trick’ timed just before an expected federal announcement.

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Queensland’s Parliament has voted to lobby Scott Morrison for an extension to JobKeeper, despite the Opposition describing the move as a “cheap little trick” done before an imminent announcement.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk moved in parliament on Wednesday afternoon to call for the Morrison Government to extend JobKeeper or fund an equivalent program to support businesses affected by international border closures and the COVID-19 tourism downturn.

In a debate, which descended into a shouting match across the chamber, Ms Palaszczuk called on the Opposition to “back Queensland” ahead of Canberra.

“Time is running out... this is urgent,” she said.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk speaks during Queensland Parliament question time. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Jono Searle
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk speaks during Queensland Parliament question time. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Jono Searle

The Opposition, which supported the government’s move after previously being accused of failing to lobby the Federal Coalition to extend JobKeeper, hit back.

Deputy Opposition Leader David Janetski described Labor’s move as a “sneaky little motion”.

“The Premier knows that the Federal Government is on the verge of announcing something very shortly,” he said.

“This government is trying to deflect from their economic contribution to the post-COVID-19 recovery...It’s complete and utter rubbish.”

David Janetski described Labor’s move as a “sneaky little motion”.
David Janetski described Labor’s move as a “sneaky little motion”.

The Federal Government has made $14.6bn in JobKeeper payments to more than 190,000 organisations.

“With the vaccine rolling out we can hopefully avoid a repeat of the border lockdowns that were so difficult for the tourism industry last year and with it create more jobs in Far North Queensland,” he said.

Commonwealth Treasurer Josh Frydenberg pledged the federal government would “continue to provide significant support to the community post JobKeeper”, mentioning new measures were being worked on in addition to previous efforts from the last budget.

Treasurer Cameron Dick said the state’s tourism regions had “no answer” to their future.

“Now is the time for the Federal Government to support these communities who are struggling,” he said.

Former Treasurer Tim Nicholls described the motion as a “cheap little trick”.

Former Queensland Treasurer Cameron Dick. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Dan Peled
Former Queensland Treasurer Cameron Dick. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Dan Peled

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