
Mark Bailey private email scandal continues

HUNDREDS more emails from the private account of state minister Mark Bailey have been released, including some that reveal lobbying by an environmental group.

Sack Bailey: Frecklington

A KEY environmental group repeatedly lobbied minister Mark Bailey via his private email account to strengthen the State Government’s position against a potential Queensland nuclear waste dump.

Hundreds more emails have been released to the LNP Opposition from within Mr Bailey’s account under Right to Information.

Scandal bounces back

In hot water again

Dogged by new claims

The latest batch details communication between a representative from the Australian Conservation Foundation and Mr Bailey — then energy minister — at the time the Federal Government was deciding whether or not to choose the Queensland town of Oman Ama for the proposed nuclear waste dump.

In one email, ACF nuclear-free campaigner Dave Sweeney is critical of a letter from Mines Minister Anthony Lynham’s office to the Commonwealth about the proposal which detailed the Government’s opposition but also stated that the state understood it was a “Federal Government decision with local landholders”.

“As you can see the last sentence of paragraph two hardly gives confidence and is not consistent with the state legislation,” Mr Sweeney wrote to Mr Bailey, a former anti-nuclear campaigner himself.

“This tone echo’s the feedback I have been getting from the Canberra end re how they view the Qld govts position — blink.”

In another of several emails between the pair, Mr Sweeney writes: “… I think the no facility message needs to be clearly re-sent to the Feds.”

Mr Sweeney raised similar concerns about a letter from Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s office to the Commonwealth.

Mr Bailey responds: “Hi Dave … That’s concerning. Have flicked it to Jackie T for her info too. We’ll be ready. Wasn’t aware of the constitutional line. Doesn’t mean there won’t be a fight though. I’ll be ready.”

The CCC last year cleared Mr Bailey of corrupt conduct allegations over his private email use but ordered the rules be overhauled to stop the practice.

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