
Qld’s 150 best performing primary schools of 2024 ranked

The state’s top 150 primary schools can be revealed, with a whopping 68 state schools making the cut in the 2024 rankings. SEARCH FOR YOUR SCHOOL

Queensland's best performing primary schools of 2024.
Queensland's best performing primary schools of 2024.

The state’s top 150 primary schools can be revealed, with a whopping 68 state schools making the cut in the 2024 rankings, an independent analysis has shown.

Better Education, an independent specialist schools website, has released the latest Queensland best schools rankings – a compilation of public and private schools.

The state overall score, used to rank the primary institutions, is calculated using the school’s Year 5 English and maths test results in 2024. A score of 100 is the highest, the lowest in this particular ranking was 96.

In the latest list, 17 state schools made the top 50, a notable improvement on the 2023 ranking which featured only 11.

Sunnybank Hills State School and Citipointe Christian College and Ipswich Grammar School all maintained their spots in the top three with Ormiston College and The Southport School rising to fourth and fifth from ninth and eighth place respectively in 2023.

See the list of best performing high schools

Other changes to the top 10 were Rainworth State School from 23rd to sixth, Good News Lutheran School from 30th to seventh and Toowoomba Anglican School from 86th to 10th.

Significant changes included Brisbane Christian College from 47th to 17th, Kenmore State School from 50th to 23rd, St John’s Anglican College (Forest Lake) from 111th to 24th and Belmont State School from 143rd to 44th.

Among the 35 schools which made their debut in the top 150 this year were Mater Dei Catholic Primary School (St John’s Wood), Sts Peter and Paul’s School (Bulimba), St Mary of the Cross School (Windsor), Oakleigh State School and Buderim Mountain State School.

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