
‘Cunning lie’: Calls for Minister who claims she forgot CCC referral to be sacked

Corrective Services Minister Nikki Boyd knew the former Parole Board President Michael Byrne had been referred to the Crime and Corruption Commission, but forgot about the conversation.

Former parole board president Michael Byrne. Pic: Peter Wallis
Former parole board president Michael Byrne. Pic: Peter Wallis

Corrective Services Minister Nikki Boyd knew the former Parole Board President Michael Byrne had been referred to the Crime and Corruption Commission prior to last week’s estimates hearing, but forgot about the conversation.

Ms Boyd on Tuesday said she was previously advised by Corrective Services Commissioner Paul Stewart, who also refused to tell the estimates committee on Friday whether Mr Byrne had been referred to the CCC, that allegations regarding Byrne had been referred to “a very high level”.

Ms Boyd said she was advised of that referral made by Mr Stewart “some time ago” and had to be reminded after the estimates session.

“I didn’t recall that during estimates, which is why I responded to the questions in the way that I did,” she said.

“He’s (Mr Stewart) further clarified that with me in discussions after estimates.”

The date of the CCC referral by Mr Stewart is not known.

Debate over whether both Mr Stewart and Ms Boyd were able to inform the committee of the CCC referral dominated last Friday’s estimates hearing, which saw Opposition Deputy Leader Jarrod Bleijie kicked out of the session.

Estimate hearings at Queensland Parliament. Nikki Boyd, Minister for Fire and Disaster Recovery and Minister for Corrective Services. Picture: Richard Walker
Estimate hearings at Queensland Parliament. Nikki Boyd, Minister for Fire and Disaster Recovery and Minister for Corrective Services. Picture: Richard Walker

Ms Boyd denied any knowledge of the allegations raised by Mr Bleijie, while Mr Stewart told the committee he was unable to comment on any potential matters before the CCC.

The allegations against Mr Byrne involve alleged misuse of travel funds while he was president of the Parole Board.

There is no suggestion of any wrongdoing by Mr Byrne.

Ms Boyd tabled a clarifying statement to parliament on Monday, but it did not mention her prior knowledge of the CCC referral.

The statement said the Ms Boyd had been advised that Mr Stewart had “appropriately referred certain allegations in respect of the former president of the Parole Board”.

Mr Bleijie accused Ms Boyd of lying during estimates and called for her to be sacked.

“This was not an innocent memory lapse, this was a calculated and cunning decision to lie to Queenslanders about a major integrity breach occurring on her watch,” he said.

“Unless Steven Miles sacks Nikki Boyd for deliberately lying to protect a Labor mate, Queenslanders will know he isn’t serious about doing what matters.”

During estimates Ms Boyd also defended the timing of Mr Byrne’s July 4 resignation, explaining he had originally requested to finish up on July 12, but her office brought the date forward.

Mr Byrne was appointed Parole Board President on July 3, 2017, meaning the negotiated date saw Mr Byrne serve in the role for exactly seven years and one day.

Outgoing Parole Board Presidents are entitled to an annual judicial pension, which equates to a little over $210,000 per year for those with seven years of service.

This is compared to $180,000 for those who serve for six years -$30,000 less.

Ms Boyd said she was not aware of the allegations involved in the CCC referral prior to a meeting she had with Mr Byrne on June 12, weeks before his official resignation date.

“That (June) week, we had legislation that was afoot in the Queensland Parliament around the functioning of the Parole Board,” she said.

“My conversations with Mr Byrne were around the functioning of the Parole Board and my confidence in the Parole Board and the community’s confidence as well.”

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