
Campbell Newman resignation: Former premier and Liberal Democrats in talks for ‘weeks’

Senior Liberal Democrats say they have been talking with Campbell Newman for weeks about the potential for him to run in the Senate for them, but say it is not yet a done deal.

Queensland LNP's infighting

Senior Liberal Democrats say they have been talking with Campbell Newman for weeks about the potential for him to run in the Senate for them, but say it is not yet a done deal.

It follows the former LNP Premier’s shock announcement that he is quitting the party and indicating an interest in a future in federal politics.

Liberal Democrats national president John Humphreys said the party had been reaching out to a number of high-profile people with an interest in a centre-right party “standing up against Covid-mania and the growing debt and deficit”.

Former Premier Campbell Newman has quit the LNP. Liberal Democrats say they have been in talks with the former Premier for weeks. Picture: Annette Dew
Former Premier Campbell Newman has quit the LNP. Liberal Democrats say they have been in talks with the former Premier for weeks. Picture: Annette Dew

“I’ve spoken to Cam … Cam has spoken at events I’ve spoken at. We knew each other already,” Dr Humphreys said.

“We’ve been in touch with him and many other people for a long time.

“We have more recently been making suggestion and talking about political future. We haven’t got to the end of those conversations yet, but they’ve been fun conversations.

“I believe he would be an excellent addition to the Senate. As to how he gets to the Senate, that story hasn’t been written yet.”

He said while the LDP had opposed the Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment (VLAD) laws implemented by Mr Newman while Premier, Covid-19 lockdowns and debt “dwarfed” other issues.

“There’s no two humans alive that agree on everything, the issue is the percentage of overlap” he said.

“That was 10 years in the past and I think the big fight at the moment is the reaction to Covid.”

Liberal Democrat candidate for Warringah John Ruddick said the Liberal Democrats and Mr Newman had been speaking for weeks, but that the former Premier had not made a final decision yet.

“We believe that he is a good fit with the Liberal Democrats, we’re a party about small government and individual responsibility,” Mr Ruddick said.

“We’re very hopeful that he would come across and join us.

“He’s a relatively young guy, we believe he’s very fit and healthy, we believe he’s got a big political future and we hope it’s with the LibDems.”

Preselection for the Senate for the Liberal Democrat Party has yet to be held.

Mr Newman would likely be fighting for the fifth or sixth spot on the Senate ticket against the LNPs Amanda Stoker, One Nation’s Pauline Hanson or the Greens Penny Allman-Payne.

Read related topics:LNP

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