
Annastacia Palaszczuk enlists celebrity agent Max Markson as she plots post-politics journey

New details have emerged as colourful celebrity agent Max Markson confirms he’s been engaged by former premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Queenslanders are ‘going to miss’ Annastacia Palaszczuk: Graham Richardson

Queensland richlister and jobs queen Sarina Russo has been named as the person who connected former Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and colourful celebrity agent Max Markson, as she plots her post-politics career.

It is understood Ms Palaszczuk’s enlistment of Mr Markson could entail events on the speaker’s circuit and potentially a book deal.

The move comes more than four months after she retired as Premier and quit parliament, in a shock announcement that took many in her own party by surprise.

Former Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has engaged the services of celebrity agent Max Markson.
Former Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has engaged the services of celebrity agent Max Markson.

Her exit after eight years in the top job followed mounting criticism about her leadership and concern from within the Labor Party about whether she could win a fourth election.

Ms Palaszczuk resigned in December, and while she gave no indication of her planned post-politics career she declared she had “given it my all and I have run a marathon” and the turning point was seeing new faces around the national cabinet table.

“Next year would have been nine years and look, a week in politics is a long time but can I tell you nine years feels like an eternity,” she said.

“I was sitting there thinking this is the fourth prime minister … and I thought to myself, renewal is a good thing.”

Agent Max Markson.
Agent Max Markson.

Mr Markson on Wednesday confirmed Ms Palaszczuk was on his books.

He confirmed it was long-time friend Ms Russo, who he has known for more than two decades, who introduced him to Ms Palaszczuk about six weeks ago.

A potential book deal is on the cards but the immediate focus will be getting Ms Palaszczuk on the speaking circuit.

“I’m on the case (about a book deal) … it’ll take years, it normally takes 18 months to get a book together,” Mr Markson said.

“It’s one of the things I’m trying to do.”

Mr Markson said he was “terrifically impressed” by Ms Palaszczuk, describing her as “smart and intelligent”.

Ms Palaszczuk has been approached for comment but did not respond before publication.

Mr Markson, who has been in the business for more than four decades, has represented clients like former US Presidents Bill Clinton, George Bush Sr and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Recent clients include former radio broadcaster Alan Jones and earlier this month, he signed actor Craig McLachlan following his acquittal in 2020 on criminal charges related to his conduct on The Rocky Horror Show stage musical.

In 2011, Mr Markson starred on Celebrity Apprentice.

During Covid-19 Mr Markson had a run-in with authorities resulting in $26,000 in fines from the Therapeutic Goods Administration after his website spruiked an expensive medical device and claimed it could prevent Covid-19.

The TGA claimed the way this device was allegedly promoted by Markson Sparks was in breach of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 as claims in relation to preventing COVID-19 (and related terms) are restricted representations.

Markson Sparks also allegedly claimed, in the email to subscribers, that the medical device is safe for the elderly, which is also a breach of the act as it is unlawful to promote a therapeutic good as being safe, harmless or without side-effects.

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