
Phil Di Bella backs vaccination by Government mandate about `discrimination and dictatorship‘

Coffee king Phillip Di Bella backs vaccination but says it’s a personal choice and not about “discrimination”.

Coffee king to defy Queensland unvaccinated ban

Brisbane coffee king Phillip Di Bella has slammed the State Government’s Covid-19 mandate claiming his opposition to it was “about discrimination and dictatorship”.

Mr Di Bella went on the attack on Tuesday over the State Government’s mandate banning unvaccinated staff, customers and business owners from Queensland venues next month.

On Linkedin he said his opposition was a human rights issue and that his venue The Coffee Commune at Bowen Hills would not discriminate.

His call sparked a frenzy of interest on readers supporting or criticising his stance and an exclusive poll four 60 per cent of readers saying they won’t visit a venue that allows unvaccinated people in it.

In a statement on Wednesday Mr Di Bella clarified his stance by saying he was not an anti-vaxxer, noting his “vaccination report card is longer than most toilet paper rolls based on the many countries” he has travelled to for work.

“My personal position is that everybody should be vaccinated when they believe the time is right for them,” he said.

“That may have been 12 months ago for some, right now for others, or it may in 12 months when people feel they know more.”

Phillip Di Bella at the is business ion Bowen Hills.
Phillip Di Bella at the is business ion Bowen Hills.

Mr Di Bella, a Brisbane rich-lister who was recently named Business Person of the Year at the Lord Mayor’s Business Awards, stressed his company would abide by any laws but that did not mean it would have the resources to police it.

“The Coffee Commune will be an authority for its members to ensure they know and understand what the legislation means for them,” he said

Mr Di Bella said many businesses had struggled through the pandemic and had to accept government regulation to make a living.

However, he said business owners had the right to accept who can enter their business because they carry the financial and personal risk.

“This is not about vaccines but an issue of businesses being dictated to and not knowing where it will end,” said Mr Di Bella who claimed he had a problem with politicians “rewarding” citizens with freedoms.

“I want people to treat people with respect regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not.

“It’s about discrimination and dictatorship that I believe is a complete over reach position by government.”

Phillip Di Bella says he’s pro vaccination.
Phillip Di Bella says he’s pro vaccination.

Some of the readers comments in response to Mr Di Bella stance showed a concern about how the Government will enforce its mandate.

Ken said: “So, I am double vaccinated, and I know that there is about an 8.7% chance I can still contract Covid. If I do because a proprietor allows a non-vaccinated person who turns out to be positive into his venue in contravention of standing public health orders (ie in breach of public health standards) can I sue that proprietor for damages and endangering public health in particular mine.”

However, Des says: “Congratulations Phillip. Thank god someone has the balls to stand up to Labor thuggery. I’ll be over soon for a cappuccino” while Paul said: “GREAT! Good on you! I will be at your shop!” Kim: “Well done Mr Di Bella for not discriminating against the unvaccinated. There is simply no rationale for excluding unvaccinated people when the vaccinated can still carry and pass on the virus.

Harriet claimed “double standards”. She said: “You were all screaming about the poor businesses going broke because the borders were shut, now you are saying close the businesses down that are happy to serve the unvaccinated? What?

Finally Grant said: “To those saying that there’s already unvaxxed people going to these establishments so why the change. There’s currently restrictions on people coming from NSW and Victoria where over 97% of the cases and deaths in Australia have occurred.

Once they start coming to Queensland, it’s a totally different ball game!”

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