
‘Penis in wine glass’ Member for Redlands Peter Dowling faces preselection vote

INFAMOUS “penis in the wine glass” MP Peter Dowling faces his day of reckoning as his local LNP branch decides whether to preselect him for the state election.

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RANK-and-file LNP members will today decide whether to end the political career of Redlands MP Peter Dowling following his high-profile plonking and porn scandals.

Mr Dowling will be given an opportunity to plead his case at a meeting before the local branch determines his fate.

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The second-term MP earned international infamy after it was revealed he took pictures of his penis plonked in a glass of red wine and sent them to a secret mistress who also joined him on parliamentary travel trips.

The Courier-Mail revealed last week a graphic pornography site had been “liked” on Mr Dowling’s Facebook page, however the MP insisted he wasn’t responsible.

After previously backing all sitting MPs, Premier Campbell Newman this week would not publicly support Mr Dowling.

“I have spoken to him in the past about various issues, yes, and I have a very firm view about the situation, but I am not about to pre-empt the decision of the preselectors,” Mr Newman said.

As the only candidate deemed eligible, Mr Dowling will have to convince a majority of members to support him or the LNP will reopen the selection process.

Mr Dowling narrowly avoided the party executive’s axe and senior LNP figures are divided about whether he will or should survive.

Some in the party predict Mr Dowling will receive overwhelming support. However, others believe many branch members will be unimpressed with his antics and, combined with executive’s vote, will have enough to oust him.

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