
On Friday, at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month the RSL is calling for Queenslanders to “Remember to Remember.”

RSL Queensland’s 2022 Remembrance Day ambassador Corporal Daniel Keighran VC is proudly echoing RSL Queensland’s call, remember to remember.

Corporal Daniel Keighran VC

On Friday, at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, the RSL is calling for Queenslanders to “Remember to Remember”.

Victoria Cross recipient Daniel Keighran said Remembrance Day was an opportunity to reflect with his grandfather who fought in World War II and served as a father figure for Mr Keighran.

“We used to reflect on his service, what he‘d been through. Now, I remember those special, special moments with him certainly,” said Mr Keighran.

The decorated army corporal hails from central Queensland and said he didn’t grow up with much.

At the age of 17 he felt he had three options: grow dope, continue school, or join the army.

Australian Army veteran and Victoria Cross (VC) recipient, Corporal Daniel Keighran VC (right) with RSL Queensland state president Major General Stephen Day. Picture: Nigel Hallett
Australian Army veteran and Victoria Cross (VC) recipient, Corporal Daniel Keighran VC (right) with RSL Queensland state president Major General Stephen Day. Picture: Nigel Hallett

So began his long journey to becoming one of only four soldiers in Afghanistan to receive the Victoria Cross for Australia after he deliberately drew enemy fire on to himself in 2010.

RSL Queensland state president Major General Stephen Day DSC AM said Mr Keighran’s attendance and involvement this Remembrance Day was an honour.

“It’s a fitting tribute to his true embodiment of the values held strongly by RSL Queensland,” he said.

Both former soldiers implored all Queenslanders to use Remembrance Day to reflect on those who have fallen and show support for those returned injured, ill or battling PTSD.

“It’s just one minute, but it means so much more to the veteran community and their families,” said Mr Day.

“It’s about understanding the sacrifices that have been made for the freedoms that we so readily enjoy today,” Mr Keighran said.

RSL Queensland’s official state commemoration will be at Brisbane’s Anzac Square on Friday.

Daniel Keighran VC speaks about his new memoir
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