1/19Georgia Shae was among the 70 buskers performing at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
GALLERY: Buskers on show at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival
Thousands of people have turned out to see who would be crowned the busking champion at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
2/19Emma Tomlinson was among the 70 buskers performing at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
3/19Jake Parkes was among the 70 buskers performing at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
4/19Sarara Skyver was among the 70 buskers performing at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
5/19Brother Frank and Louis Martin performing to the crowd at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
6/19The river walkways attracted crowds big and small at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
7/19The crowd at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
8/19Sarara, Grace and Zach of the Skyver Trio, were among the 70 buskers performing at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
9/19Kiani Jazz was among the 70 buskers performing at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
10/19Youngster Amy Ryan was among the 70 buskers performing at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
11/19Brother Frank and Louis Martin were among the 70 buskers performing at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
12/19Eliya Narkis was among the 70 buskers performing at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
13/19The crowd watches on at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
14/19Daryl Doodt was among the 70 buskers performing at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
15/19More than 70 buskers performed at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
16/19The crowd enjoys the live music at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
17/19Buskers fill the sidewalks along the Noosa River at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
18/19Jesse Jackson was among the 70 buskers performing at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.
19/19The Flying Doctors group was among the 70 buskers performing at the 2021 Noosa Come Together Festival.