
More than 60,000 insurance claims in Queensland, NSW flood disaster

More than 60,000 insurance claims totalling $900 million have been made in the Queensland and NSW flood catastrophe, with many more expected in coming weeks.

Flood-damaged furniture piled up in Brisbane suburbs

The insurance bill of the ongoing Queensland and New South Wales flood catastrophe has reached an estimated $900m, with still no end to the disaster in sight.

Australia’s peak insurance body revealed claims have skyrocketed — again — to 60,163 across both states as of Thursday.

Of those 46,235 claims were in Queensland and the rest in NSW.

A man shovels mud from the lower level of a home in Newmarket, Brisbane. Picture: Patrick Hamilton/AFP
A man shovels mud from the lower level of a home in Newmarket, Brisbane. Picture: Patrick Hamilton/AFP

The Insurance Council of Australia has estimated the cost of the claims so far at $900m based on previous flood events.

The organisation warned the price tag was expected to increase and become more clear as more claims are lodged and assessors are able to drill down on the specifics.

ICA chief executive Andrew Hall said policyholders should contact their insurer via phone or online as soon as possible to get help and assistance.

Flooding in Rocklea Picture: Liam Kidston
Flooding in Rocklea Picture: Liam Kidston

“This is an ongoing and severe weather event, so it is still too early to predict where it will end,” he said.

“These severe weather systems have been impacting the East Coast now for more than a week and are still very active across all regions.

“Despite that, insurers are working closely with Local, State and Federal Governments to ensure that insurers are fully co-ordinated in the recovery process that is starting to commence in communities up and down the coast.”

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