
Motel mayhem: Man traps women in shower and pulls out knife

‘He tried to stab (one victim) in her stomach, but she grabbed the blade of the knife cutting her hands’

Alec Lindsay Haynes has been jailed for eight years for an armed robbery with wounding.
Alec Lindsay Haynes has been jailed for eight years for an armed robbery with wounding.

A VIOLENT criminal confined two women in the shower of Mackay motel room where he slashed and stabbed at them with a knife.

"It must have been terrifying for those women," Judge Deborah Richards said sentencing Alec Lindsay Haynes to eight years jail.

"I'm not surprised they thought they were going to die."

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Mackay District Court heard Hayne, then 34, had been homeless and high when he approached his two victims as they were relaxing by the pool at the Coral Cay Resort on September 14 last year.

Crown prosecutor Claudia Georgouras said the women complained about Haynes sitting and staring at them and went back to their room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

One woman was in the shower. The other was in the lounge area when Haynes busted in and punched her in the face twice and forced her into the bathroom with her friend.

"He put both the (victims) in the shower, turned on the water," Ms Georgouras said, adding put punched the first victim again.

He told them he was a drug addict, homeless and hungry as he pulled out a large knife and demanded cash.

The man said he was homeless and pulled a knife.
The man said he was homeless and pulled a knife.

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"He tried to stab (one victim) in her stomach, but she grabbed the blade of the knife, cutting her hands," Ms Georgouras said.

"She was screaming for help. He punched her again to her face and she let go of the knife."

The court heard he kept trying to slash at them, stabbing one of the women in her leg causing a 5cm cut.

Haynes ran off with $200 cash, threatening them not to call the police.

Hayne, now 35 and who had distinctive tattoos covering most of his face, pleaded guilty late last month to armed robbery with wounding as well as burglary, assault, stealing and possessing ice in relation to other offences over a 12-day crime spree.


The 35 year old will stay behind bars until at least September 18, 2020 when he can apply for parole.
The 35 year old will stay behind bars until at least September 18, 2020 when he can apply for parole.

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Defence barrister Stephen Byrne said his client was "drug affected, homeless, desperate and he snapped". He had been homeless since his release from custody in June last year on a suspended jail term.

"The intent was to rob, not injure," Mr Byrne said.

Haynes had spent the majority of his adult life in custody and has had 29 appearances in court. His criminal history is littered with violence entries including assault, armed robbery with violence, serious assault and threatening with a firearm.

He has breached community service orders, bail, probation and suspended sentences and has been jailed 16 times.

Haynes has already spent 310 days in custody, which was declared as time already served. He will be eligible for parole on September 18, 2020.

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