
Scott Hodgetts assaults Mackay police officer during roadside arrest

A father of five with a history of stealing cars and driving at cops, had “no regard for court orders” when he was busted for disqualified driving despite 19 previous charges for the same crime.

A Queensland magistrate said a father of five had “no regard for court orders” when he was pulled over driving without a licence, then assaulted a police officer and obstructed another.
A Queensland magistrate said a father of five had “no regard for court orders” when he was pulled over driving without a licence, then assaulted a police officer and obstructed another.

A Queensland dad with a staggering history of driving offences was caught behind the wheel again and pushed over the police officer arresting him.

Scott Hodgetts was intercepted by police on January 23 driving an unregistered and uninsured car, despite having his licence previously disqualified.

Mackay Magistrates Court heard that during the arrest the 36-year-old knocked over an arresting officer, before being found with a knife and some cannabis.

He had been in custody from 2020 to 2022 for a raft of offences, including dangerous driving upwards of 170-187km/h on the Peak Downs Highway and driving stolen cars towards police officers.

Mackay man Scott Hodgetts was sentenced to 7.5 years for a large amount of offences including choking, arson, theft, and dangerous driving.
Mackay man Scott Hodgetts was sentenced to 7.5 years for a large amount of offences including choking, arson, theft, and dangerous driving.

“It seems that you have no regard for the courts orders in relation to driving, Mr Hodgetts,” Magistrate Michelle Howard said.

“And you drive when you choose to, notwithstanding that you don’t have a licence.

“During the ensuing arrest, you assaulted Officer Stanbrook, by contacting her upper torso … she fell to the ground and obstructed another officer who came to her aid.”

Hodgetts pleaded guilty to assaulting police, obstructing police, driving disqualified, driving unregistered, driving uninsured, possessing dangerous drugs, possessing drug utensils, and possessing a knife in a public place.

Mackay man Scott Hodgetts pleaded guilty to further charges of dangerous driving.
Mackay man Scott Hodgetts pleaded guilty to further charges of dangerous driving.

Fisher Dore lawyer Sean Gibbs said Hodgetts was a father of five young children and would be on parole conditions, which included attending drug abuse programs, until 2028.

Police prosecutor Ruth Whisker said the most serious charge of the set was the disqualified driving due to the 19 other disqualified driving charges on Hodgetts’ history.

Ms Howard declared Hodgetts’ 157 days of presentence custody from January 23 to June 27 as time served.

He was sentenced to a head sentence of 12 months imprisonment with immediate parole, with his drug utensils and knife forfeited to the Crown.

“It is good to hear from Mr Gibbs you have begun a substance abuse program. I’m sure you’re sick and tired of being in custody and you need to make some drastic changes to your life,” Ms Howard said.

“Time you start making some good choices.”

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