
Kelly Moreland opens up on day her brother Brendan Moreland died

Kelly Moreland was watching television with her children when a story popped up about the death of a traffic controller in a hit and run. The horrible reality of her loss hit home when police came knocking on her door.

Kelly Moreland, sister of Brendan Moreland, speaks out after the driver responsible for the fatal hit and run that killed her brother is jailed. Picture: Janessa Ekert
Kelly Moreland, sister of Brendan Moreland, speaks out after the driver responsible for the fatal hit and run that killed her brother is jailed. Picture: Janessa Ekert

In the early morning on October 26, 2021 Kelly Moreland was watching television with her children when a story popped up about a Mackay traffic controller who had been killed in a hit and run on the Ron Camm Bridge.

The mother of two didn’t know it yet, but it was her younger brother Brendan Moreland.

“We were actually sitting down watching Sunrise and the story come up about a traffic controller getting hit on the bridge, a hit and run,” the 38 year old recalled.

Her children asked what that meant.

“I told them and it wasn’t until about 7am when the police officer knocked on the door that I realised that that was actually my brother,” Ms Moreland said.

New photos of Mackay traffic controller Brendan Moreland have been released. He was tragically killed in a hit and run on the Ron Camm Bridge in October 2021. Picture: Kelly Moreland
New photos of Mackay traffic controller Brendan Moreland have been released. He was tragically killed in a hit and run on the Ron Camm Bridge in October 2021. Picture: Kelly Moreland

Before the officer’s arrival to deliver the devastating news Ms Moreland tried to phone her brother.

“I knew he was the boss on the job site,” she said.

“I rung him a couple of times and he didn’t answer … I left him a message to say, can you call me back just to make sure you’re OK, I just heard the news.”

A day of celebration – it was their mum’s birthday – became a day of mourning.

“Everyone was ringing us and saying ‘happy birthday … why are you so sad?” she said.


Ms Moreland sat quietly at the back of Mackay District Court and watched as the driver responsible for her brother’s death was held accountable.

Tristan James Watson already had a six-year jail term hanging over his head for unrelated matters and to prevent what could be considered a crushing sentence his penalty for the fatal hit and run was reduced to 5.5 years, bringing the total to 11.5 years.

Ms Moreland said she was “angry” and “disappointed” over Watson’s penalty.

Kelly Moreland, sister of Brendan Moreland, speaks out after the driver responsible for the fatal hit and run that killed her brother is jailed. Picture: Janessa Ekert
Kelly Moreland, sister of Brendan Moreland, speaks out after the driver responsible for the fatal hit and run that killed her brother is jailed. Picture: Janessa Ekert

“I don’t feel that the result justifies what happened,” she said.

“I was watching him (Watson) there in court.

“He sat there with his arms on his leg, he didn’t appear to show any kind of remorse. I don’t believe there’s any genuine remorse.”

It came to light Watson, who pleaded guilty to dangerous driving causing death, kept driving after the fatal strike – he even returned past the site while an ambulance was on scene and didn’t stop.

“That’s the point that hurts more than anything else. He knew that something was wrong and he still continued to drive away, he didn’t care,” Ms Moreland said.

Kelly Moreland is pictured with a tree of life that hangs on her patio wall at her Marian home in memory of her brother. Picture: Janessa Ekert
Kelly Moreland is pictured with a tree of life that hangs on her patio wall at her Marian home in memory of her brother. Picture: Janessa Ekert

“What really annoys me is the fact he is eligible for parole in 22 months.

“That’s probably the nail in the coffin … that’s the bit that hurts the most.

“Nothing’s going to bring him back, I understand that.”

Ms Moreland said she was surprised to hear that Watson had intended to write a letter of apology, believing it was “just a ploy”.

“It’s been over 12 months now, if you really were remorseful or apologetic you would have done it I believe within the first few months of the incident,” she said.


Brendan had been packing away equipment at the end of his shift when Watson ploughed into him in a stolen Rav4 just after 4am.

The impact was so forceful Brendan’s body was airborne and tossed about 50m in front of three workmates.

Ms Moreland said she only learned the true horror of how her brother died days before Watson pleaded guilty to the fatal hit and run in court.

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“What we got led to believe and what happened were very, very different,” she said.

Ms Moreland said she and her family had been led to believe Brendan had been shielded and perhaps did not know what was about to happen.

“(We thought) Brendan didn’t see him coming,” she said.

The reality was very different.

“To actually hear the correct details was pretty traumatic … he knew what was going to happen,” Ms Moreland said.

“I think the saving grace is that … by the time he hit the ground after going airborne he was dead, so he didn’t feel pain, he didn’t suffer.”

For many months after his death a memorial was affixed on the bridge marking the spot where Brendan lost his life – and while that tribute has since been taken down, his memories will live on.

A small urn containing some of his ashes sits on a wooded cabinet in her home. Picture: Janessa Ekert
A small urn containing some of his ashes sits on a wooded cabinet in her home. Picture: Janessa Ekert

Sitting on a wooden cabinet inside Ms Moreland’s Marian home is a small urn containing some of her brother’s ashes, right beside it is an empty rocking chair with a beautiful verse for those spending Christmas in heaven.

And adorning a patio wall is a metal tree of life cutout, and within the imagery are two birds – Ms Moreland said her children had decided one of those birds was Brendan.

“It’s my little way of remembering him,” she said.

The second bird is dedicated to her grandfather, who died soon after Brendan.

Tree of life that hangs on her patio wall at her Marian home. Picture: Janessa Ekert
Tree of life that hangs on her patio wall at her Marian home. Picture: Janessa Ekert

“It was a hard year,” Ms Moreland said.

“Some piece of me will always be gone and nothing will ever fill it.”


The pair had been living under the same roof and had reconnected after busy lives caused their paths to diverge for a time.

“We had always been close growing up,” Ms Moreland said.

New photos of Mackay traffic controller Brendan Moreland have been released. He was tragically killed in a hit and run on the Ron Camm Bridge in October 2021. Picture: Kelly Moreland
New photos of Mackay traffic controller Brendan Moreland have been released. He was tragically killed in a hit and run on the Ron Camm Bridge in October 2021. Picture: Kelly Moreland

“He was very generous … there weren’t many people who didn’t like him.”

Brendan was blunt and direct, but compassionate and went to great lengths to help his mates, including helping a close friend manage finances.

Ms Moreland said it wasn’t until after her brother’s death that she realised the extreme danger of his job.

“It’s a high risk role,” she said.

“It really does hit home.

“My only message for drivers is they need to be aware of their surroundings at all times, especially going through roadworks.

“Everyone should be entitled to go to work and come home safely.”

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