
How ‘miracle boy’ Trent Atto defied the odds

When 17-year-old Trent Atto was squashed between two cars near Moranbah in August, his family and doctors feared the worst. But he is beating the odds.

Trent Atto, with his mum Debbie Watson and dad Ray Atto at Rolad McDonald House, is recovering from a severe brain injury. Picture: Evan Morgan
Trent Atto, with his mum Debbie Watson and dad Ray Atto at Rolad McDonald House, is recovering from a severe brain injury. Picture: Evan Morgan

TRENT Atto is called the "miracle boy" after defying the odds to fight back from a traumatic brain injury suffered four months ago.

The 17-year-old was flown to Townsville Hospital by helicopter from Moranbah after being squashed between two cars in August this year.

Upon arrival his prognosis was grim with a minimal life expectancy but Trent has refused to give in and has amazed the hospital's medical staff with his steady recovery.

After two weeks in intensive care he moved to a surgical ward and now is in the hospital's acute rehabilitation unit receiving daily physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy sessions.

Trent Atto, with his mum Debbie Watson and dad Ray Atto at Rolad McDonald House, is recovering from a severe brain injury. Picture: Evan Morgan
Trent Atto, with his mum Debbie Watson and dad Ray Atto at Rolad McDonald House, is recovering from a severe brain injury. Picture: Evan Morgan

Trent had recently moved to Moranbah to be with his father Ray and had just begun a new job as a mechanic's offsider when he was involved in the accident the following day.

Since the accident, his father has been at his side at the hospital every day while using accommodation at Ronald McDonald House.

Having seen his son's progress since the accident his dad feels proud by what he has accomplished so far.

"You get a tear in your eye when you see him every day going forward," Mr Atto said.

"The stage he is now after four months, he is just a miracle boy but we just take it day by day."

Mr Atto said Trent could now get himself out of bed and shuffle to his wheelchair.

"This morning he actually got on his haunches and his knees and his arms and pushed himself up and it was the first time he has done that," he said.

"We call him our little fighter, out little champion.

"He just wants to be here with us and we just push him now and the physios push him and make him better every day.

"They are all on his side."

Nicholas Fotinos, Joel Goodman, Trent Atto and Liam Hosie  at the 2018 Burdekin Students' Ball. Photos by HAYDEN MENSO PHOTOGRAPHY
Nicholas Fotinos, Joel Goodman, Trent Atto and Liam Hosie at the 2018 Burdekin Students' Ball. Photos by HAYDEN MENSO PHOTOGRAPHY



His mother Debbie Watson has also been constantly at his side since the accident and has nothing but praise for the hospital staff.

"The level of care he has had is second to none from the doctors, nurses, even the cleaning staff, everyone is just amazing," Mrs Watson said.

She said her son's long term recovery was still in the balance.

"We have been told that everyone's brain heals differently and that it is just time," Mrs Watson said.

"Trent may get no better than he is today or he may keep beating the odds and get back to living a reasonably good life."

Mrs Watson also had praise for the support shown by Ronald McDonald House and the charity's family room at the hospital.

"The support we get, I've had through the family room and Ray's had through Ronald McDonald House is what makes the journey possible for us to be here by his side every day," she said.

"By us being here to be with Trent every day, yes they have the nurses and the doctors, but there is nothing like family.

"The Ronald McDonald House Charities make it possible for us to help our child," she said.

If you wish to make a donation to Ronald McDonald House Charities North Australia please visit

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