
Anglo American vaccine policy: Double-dose a condition of entry

A second global mining company has mandated double vaccination will be a condition of site entry as Covid cases across Queensland increase. Read how the policy was formed.

Tensions grow over ‘no jab, no job’

Anglo American will require its workforce to be vaccinated as a condition of entry to site, following the likes of BHP in enforcing the mandate.

The mining giant had flagged the move earlier this month with a draft policy put out to consultation across its Australian operations.

It proposed making double-dose vaccinations a condition of entry to its Australian sites, offices and camps mandatory from March 1, 2022.

The company, in a statement today, said an extensive period of workforce consultation was completed and the workforce was advised it would proceed with the vaccination requirement.

Anglo American’s Australian CEO Tyler Mitchelson said the decision followed extensive detailed risk assessments, “expert health advice and recent workforce consultation” across a range of opportunities.

Anglo American’s Dawson Mine operations manager Robyn Ryan undergoes a rapid antigen test.
Anglo American’s Dawson Mine operations manager Robyn Ryan undergoes a rapid antigen test.

“With the increasing number of Covid-19 cases in Queensland, we believe we must do everything we can to help protect the health of the more than 5500 people who work for us in Queensland, as well as our local communities,” Mr Mitchelson said.

Anglo American Australian CEO Tyler Mitchelson. Picture: Mike Ellis Photography/Contributed
Anglo American Australian CEO Tyler Mitchelson. Picture: Mike Ellis Photography/Contributed

“This week we commenced Rapid Antigen Testing at Brisbane Airport for our people flying to site from South East Queensland and we are looking at implementing this across our operations as an additional control against the spread of Covid-19.”

The rapid antigen testing does not replace PCR testing for people required to be tested in line with Queensland Health directives.

An online poll asking if people agreed with the ‘no jab, no work’ policies drew 268 votes, with the majority (66 per cent) indicating they supported the policy.

Another 31 per cent did not, while 3 per cent were undecided.

BHP in October announced it would mandate double-vaccination as a condition of entry to its mine sites and offices, despite fierce opposition from the Mining and Energy Union.

Its policy in New South Wales was challenged with the Fair Work Commission ruling BHP’s mandate was not lawful and reasonable.

More than 30 workers at the company’s Mt Arthur Coal operation were stood down after they could not prove their vaccination status.

The Fair Work challenge from the CFMMEU was initially upheld but its determination was later revised once more extensive consultation was completed by BHP.

The industrial tribunal a fortnight later released a statement acknowledging the additional consultation and determined BHP’s mandate was reasonable, recognising both the union and the company agreed “every employee and health and safety representative had received a reasonable opportunity to make every contribution to consultation”.

A BHP spokesman said the company welcomed the Fair Work Commission’s statement “that provides clarity around our vaccination policy”.

“The Fair Work Commission recognised that vaccination is the most effective and efficient control available to combat the risks posed by Covid-19 and that employees can be directed to comply with a vaccination requirement as a condition of site entry,” the spokesman said.

“Mt Arthur has completed consultation and every employee and health and safety representative received an opportunity to contribute to that process in a way that meant their contribution would be considered in making a decision.

“Vaccination is now a requirement of entry to Mt Arthur to help keep our workplace, workforce and the community safe.”

It is understood consultation is continuing for BHP’s Queensland operations.

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