

‘Long overdue’ meningococcal B vaccine to be rolled out in Qld

The state government will fund the meningococcal B vaccine in a landmark move applauded by survivors of the deadly disease.

Meningococcal B survivors

The state government will fund the meningococcal B vaccine in a landmark move being hailed by survivors of the deadly disease as “fantastic” and “long overdue”.

Health Minister Shannon Fentiman will on Friday officially announce the free vaccination program for children under two years and teenagers aged 15-19.

The vaccines will be rolled out from early next year as part of routine childhood and school-based immunisation programs.

The initial cost of the programs is more than $90m over three years.

The commitment comes after years of campaigning by The Courier-Mail to increase access to vaccines against the most prevalent B strain and the equally insidious A, C, W and Y strains.

Currently, the B vaccination costs more than $100.

This has put it out of the reach of many families as doctors have warned of an alarming decline in the number of people requesting it.

Bella Fidler died from the Meningococcal B, aged just 23.
Bella Fidler died from the Meningococcal B, aged just 23.

Ms Fentiman told The Courier-Mail on Thursday that she was compelled to act after reading about the loss of young people including Bella Fidler, who died in November, aged 23, and Phoebe O’Connell, who has sustained permanent damage after being struck down in 2018.

Following newspaper coverage in June, Ms Fentiman reached out to both families.

“You can’t meet with these families and not try to do everything you can,” she said.

“It is just amazing that Bella’s family has been able to channel their grief into advocacy for something that will undoubtedly save Queensland lives,” she said.

“I also want to thank MenY survivor Phoebe O’Connell and her mum Katy for their fierce advocacy.

“Phoebe is still here thanks to the precious gift of a kidney, from her mum, which she needed after contracting this terrible disease.”

Under the new program – similar to the one that has run in South Australia since 2018 – almost half a million children will be eligible.

Bella’s father Blair said it was “a fantastic move”. “It’s great to see Queensland on board now,” he said.

“We campaigned hard in memory of our beautiful Bella and we want others to be spared the loss and devastation of this horrible disease.”

Phoebe O'Connell (right) with her mother Katy and dog Stella. Picture: Nigel Hallett
Phoebe O'Connell (right) with her mother Katy and dog Stella. Picture: Nigel Hallett

Mr Fidler thanked Ms Fentiman for listening to him and wife Jodie and “acting so quickly to make a change”.

Phoebe O’Connell said it was “amazing news”.

“I feel so much comfort knowing more people won’t have to go through what I did,” she said.

“We have been campaigning since 2019 to get vaccines funded – and now to have B made free in Queensland is wonderful; I’m still in shock about it.

“All strains are deadly and I have permanent health battles as a survivor, not to mention the trauma itself of nearly dying.”

Dianne O’Hara, who caught B at age 53, said protecting young people was imperative and the free vaccine was “long overdue”.

Previous health ministers Yvette D’Ath and Steven Miles refused to fund B, saying that it was a federal responsibility.

Queensland chief health officer John Gerrard said Queensland Health would work closely with vaccination providers over the coming months to ensure a smooth implementation.

“While this is a complex issue, vaccinating additional cohorts is an important step towards reducing the risk associated with meningococcal B infection and keeping more people safe from the disease,” he said.

Kirsten Austen, whose daughter Zoe McGinty died of the W strain in 2017 at age 20, said the next step was for all states and territories to fund B.

“Any move to improve access to vaccines is welcome but we need national action,” said Ms Austen, who has worked with The Courier-Mail since 2018 trying to make vaccinations against all five strains free.

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