
lnland rail crucial to Qld jobs and investmentaccording to port CEO Roy Cummins

Port of Brisbane boss Roy Cummins says without a commitment to connecting inland rail to the Port, Queensland jobs would go to NSW.

Inland Rail agreement signed

Inland rail infrastructure must be fast-tracked and connected to the Port of Brisbane to protect jobs and investment in Queensland, according to port CEO Roy Cummins.

Speaking in support of the Sunday Mail’s Missing Link campaign for the first time, Mr Cummins said if there wasn’t a commitment to connecting inland rail to the Port of Brisbane Queensland jobs would go to NSW.

“Without action, we must prepare for a future when almost 100% of containerised freight comes to the Port via road – tripling current truck movements on our roads and increasing road congestion, safety issues, road maintenance costs and emissions,” Mr Cummins said.

Roy Cummins, Port of Brisbane CEO. Pic: Jamie Hanson
Roy Cummins, Port of Brisbane CEO. Pic: Jamie Hanson

“The Port Connection has already been identified as the best option in many forums, including state and federal government infrastructure priority lists, and there is a business case already underway to determine the best route and how it would be funded.

“I understand there is discussion at the moment about linking Inland Rail to Gladstone instead of Brisbane. I fear this is more about politics than it is about the best possible outcomes for Queensland and Australia.

Mr Cummins said the people of southeast Queensland should champion for Inland Rail connecting directly to the Port of Brisbane, with a series of ‘inland ports’ around the region that can effectively distribute freight with minimal impact on communities.

“There is no doubt in my mind that having no connection to the Port of Brisbane, or connecting to Port of Gladstone, will result in worse outcomes for local communities over the long-run, not better. That means more trucks, more traffic, more noise, more pollution and less safety,” he said.

The business case into the project has commenced, but it is unconfirmed when it will be completed.

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