
102-lot residential subdivision approved by council

It will feature 3.7ha of new parkland, cycle paths and lot sizes ranging from 800sq m to 1200sq m.

SOMERSET Regional Council has conditionally approved a 102-lot residential subdivision near Lowood recreation complex.

Somerset Mayor Graeme Lehmann welcomed the new development that was approved on October 10.

"This development underlines the continuing appeal of Somerset as a lifestyle destination for new residents with easy access to our great assets - our river, lakes and rail trail," Cr Lehmann said.

"We worked through this application to ensure the best outcomes and conditions for the community and environment in line with the council's planning scheme."

The development will feature 3.7ha of new parkland, high standard stormwater treatment to the Brisbane River, cycle paths and lot sizes ranging from 800sqm to 1200sqm.

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