
Shane Lewis Mundy sentenced over ‘recidivist’ robbery offending

The notorious lookout in Australia’s largest gun heist has faced court again, this time for the violent robbery of a small-town bank.

Shane Lewis Mundy, 46, has bene sentenced for a Rosewood robbery. FILE PHOTO
Shane Lewis Mundy, 46, has bene sentenced for a Rosewood robbery. FILE PHOTO

The lookout in Australia’s biggest gun heist has yet again faced court, this time for a rural bank robbery committed while on parole.

Shane Lewis Mundy, 46, who acted as a lookout in the 2007 heist of 55 firearms from an Ipswich gun shop, faced Ipswich District Court on Monday (June 5) where he pleaded guilty to a count of robbery with actual violence.

The court heard that on December 1, 2021 Mundy broke into a bank in the rural town of Rosewood, west of Ipswich, while the bank was closed for lunch.

He was disguised with a raincoat, dark glasses and had a shirt over his face.

Mundy believed that no-one would be at the premises, however a female staff member was having lunch inside the bank when he broke in, the court heard.

He was armed with a handgun, later determined to be a gel blaster.

He demanded cash from the woman, who she said she did not have access.

The court heard Mundy then used a screwdriver to open the teller and proceeded to steal $6810 in cash before fleeing the scene.

A gel blaster casing was found at the scene that had Mundy’s DNA on it, while CCTV captured footage of a vehicle connected to him.

Mundy was arrested several months later, in April 2022. He has been in custody since then.

The court heard he had a lengthy criminal history including more than 20 counts of burglary and break and enter.

At the time of the offending, Mundy was out on parole for a similar offence that occurred in Sandgate in 2016.

The court previously heard that Mundy had attempted to rob the Sandgate Commonwealth Bank on December 8, 2016 and had used a fake gun and a screwdriver in that offending.

At the time of that offence, he was on parole for the 2007 gun shop heist.

Judge Dennis Lynch said some of those guns were recovered and had been used in the commission of criminal offences, but that some remained undiscovered.

The court further heard that Mundy had a disadvantaged upbringing and was sexually abused as a child.

He was educated at a special school due to learning difficulties.

Mundy had a longstanding drug problem and a psychiatric illness.

Judge Lynch said he considered the significance of those issues to be “diminished’’ due to Mundy being a repeat offender.

The court heard the robbery had a significantly detrimental effect on the victim’s psychological wellbeing and had changed her quality of life for the worse.

Mundy was sentenced to six years’ jail, to be served cumulatively with prior sentences.

A parole eligibility date was set for December 3, 2024.

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