
NAMED: 16 drink and drug drivers in Ipswich court

The QT publishes the full names of those people who have fronted court for drink and drug driving charges.

Thomas Damien McCallion pleaded guilty to drink driving.
Thomas Damien McCallion pleaded guilty to drink driving.

A MOTORHOME driver was caught drink driving with an alcohol reading three times the legal limit.

His home brewed alcohol was to blame.

When intercepted behind the wheel of his mobile home, the driver Thomas McCallion tested to an alcohol reading of 0.150, Ipswich Magistrates Court heard.

His licence was also court disqualified.

Thomas Damien McCallion, 44, from Redbank Plains, (pictured) pleaded guilty to driving UIL (0.150) in Goodna on November 6; driving when disqualified by court order; and driving an unregistered and uninsured motor vehicle.

Police prosecutor Bronson Ballard said McCallion was driving a Ford motorhome when police saw it do a U-turn and mount the concrete gutter just after 1pm.

Officers spoke to him and could smell alcohol on his breath.

“Says he drank home brew spirits. Says he hadn’t had a licence for years,” Mr Ballard said.

“It was disqualified absolutely in the Ipswich court in January 2000.”

The registration of his Ford motorhome had been cancelled in August this year.

Defence lawyer Matthew Fairclough said McCallion had previously worked in an abattoir and concedes he is an alcoholic with other health issues.

“He had been living in the van and someone told him to move the van or police would be called. Foolishly, he moved it,” Mr Fairclough said.

Mr Fairclough said McCallion now recognises he needs professional help and would attend a detox centre.

“Clearly with his history a prison order is inevitable,” Mr Fairclough said.

“Given his health issues we seek immediate parole.”

Magistrate Donna MacCallum sentenced McCallion to an eight-month jail term, with immediate release to parole.

He was disqualified from driving for 2.5 years.

Other drivers to appear before Ipswich Magistrates Court in recent weeks include:

Timothy Luke Bryer, 39, from Jacobs Well, pleaded guilty in Ipswich Magistrates Court to drink driving in Bundaberg West on August 6. Fined $450 and disqualified three months.

Brad Cullen, 26, from Redbank Plains, fined $350 and disqualified for one month when he pleaded guilty to drink driving at Goodna on September 16.

Terresa Katherine Freeman, 42, from Redbank Plains, fined $500 and disqualified 2 months when he pleaded guilty to driving when drug positive in Redbank Plains on September 7.

Brian Paul McCallion, 41, from Bellbird Park, pleaded guilty to being in charge of a motor vehicle/drink driving in Redbank on August 23. Disqualified 4 months and fined $450.

Thomas Douglas Joseph Morgan, 25, from Fernvale, fined $450 and lost his licence for two months when he pleaded guilty to drink driving at Redbank on August 7.

Wade Benjamin Bell, 40, from Lowood, pleaded guilty to drug driving at Glamorgan Vale on August 26. Disqualified 3 months and fined $300.

Tamika Leah Foster, 24, from Tivoli, pleaded guilty to drug driving in Bundamba on October 13. Fined $200 and disqualified 1 month.

Ian Douglas Gibb, 26, from Redbank Plains, fined $500 and disqualified 3 months when he pleaded guilty to drug driving when on a learner licence in Brassall on October 6.

Emily Paige Hart, 19, from Fernvale, pleaded guilty to drug driving when on a learner licence at Fernvale on September 5. Fined $200 and disqualified 3 months.

Wayne Lee Hingst, 53, from Bundamba, fined $350 and licence disqualified 1 month when he pleaded guilty to drink driving at Goodna on August 8 when police intercepted his car at 11pm.

Sallie-Anne Hood, 22, from Raceview, pleaded guilty to drug driving when on a P-licence on September 3 in Booval. Fined $200 and disqualified 3 months.

Davis James Williams, 32, from Bellbird Park, pleaded guilty to drink driving when on a Probationary licence in Bellbird Park on October 23. Williams was disqualified 3 months and fined $500.

Shane Anthony Williams, 47, from Walloon, pleaded guilty to drug driving at Walloon on September 14. Fined $300 and disqualified 1 month.

Dominique Rachel Buchanan, 34, from Fernvale, fined $650 and disqualified 3 months when she pleaded guilty to drink driving at Fernvale on October 17.

Klint Jai Lee, 41, from Ipswich, pleaded guilty to two driving when drug positive offences – at Regency Downs on August 9. Lee was fined $600 and disqualified 12 months.

Mikaela Ann McDermott, 30, from North Ipswich, fined $1200 and disqualified 2 years & 3 months when she pleaded guilty to drug driving when on an L/P licence in East Ipswich on October 19.

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