
You're wrong, today's youth aren't softer than you were

Citing political correctness and telling someone to toughen up princess just shouldn't happen in modern Australia.

REMEMBER days when kids played outside, computers were in their infancy and smoking was allowed indoors?

There was a perception people were tougher in those days, born with an endless supply of resilience that would withstand the worst kind of troubled times.

Australians, the majority in their mid-to-late life, would say today's youth have it easy.

They're wrong.

Today's youth battle in a throwaway world obsessed with image, popularity and accessibility.

Bullying was once contained and considered a fight after school in the playground.

Now it's reaching through screens of children and into the bedrooms older generations used to have as a safe space.

The class divide is expanding and more people, of all ages, are struggling to make ends meet.

University isn't free, the number of full-time jobs are falling and Australia's economy is showing signs of slowing down.

Suicide remains the leading cause of death for Australians aged between 15 and 44.

The rates are growing, too.

Young people aren't becoming more sensitive, they're being worn down in an increasingly tough world with no escape.

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