
UN appointment 'worse than COVID 19'

UN appointment amounts to violation of right to religion

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The year 2020 is unique but the worst part is with the United Nations and not COVID-19.

The United Nations has appointed Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Ahmed Shaheed.

He is proposing to follow a controversial agenda that includes abortion and LGBT+ rights.

His report calls a human rights violation of those who value the right to life, traditional marriage and biological sex.

This man, through UN, is working to undermine freedom of religion or belief even further.

Of 193 sovereign states, of which many were founded in religious faith, the UN is allowing Mr Shaheed to voice that conservative religious beliefs about life, marriage and biological sex are abhorrent.

This report treats the freedom of people to live according to these beliefs as secondary to abortion and new claims to rights based on sexual orientation and gender identity. 

No international treaty recognises a right to abortion, but the report simply asserts that one exists and that it is more important than a medical practitioner's right to conscientious objection.

Mr Shaheed is recommending state intervention in matters of religious doctrine, curtailing rights of conscience, and accusing conservative religions and adherents of human rights abuse.

Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed is injuring the very people and institutions and liberty which he is mandated to protect (see UN report promotes abortion, LGBT 'rights' over human rights

Glenda Carroll, Bundamba

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