
Pollies get off light for telling porkies

The same rules should apply to politicians as they do to everyone

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: If any of us applied for a job and we lied to get that job, we'd be

If we were to engage in wilful deception &/or the job was in a governmental department, we'd face potential criminal prosecution.

If we were to obtain financial advantage by deceit, we'd face potential jail time. 

They're considered inexcusable acts, you do them, you'd be outta there.

Politicians are employees.  The act of candidacy is applying for a job, and the same rules should apply. 

True, the legal part is largely out of our control; however as voters & participants in a democracy we have the obligation to take care of the first part. 

If a politician breaks an election promise, we shouldn't be accepting it as standard

If a politician spends years in Canberra or Brisbane standing up proclaiming & voting in support of one thing, then on the eve of an election coming up to us & suddenly attempting to tell us they don't actually support it, we should be pointing to their record and saying: "Your actions speak louder than your words, don't lie to us, you're outta here."

When politicians cheat & deceive, make election statements they know are lies, it's because they think we're all stupid imbeciles who accept it as normal behaviour & who'll swallow whatever garbage they shovel in our direction. 

You shouldn't accept it as normal behaviour, you shouldn't swallow the lies, you're smarter than that, and you need to say, "Don't try lying to us, we're going to support somebody else, you're outta here."

Brian D. Branch (jnr) - Willowbank

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