
Our children suffer in such a material world

The pressure to succeed socially and economically weighs heavily on these young people, who will graduate eventually as adults

PRESSURE: The pressure to succeed socially and economically weighs heavily on these young people, who will graduate eventually as adults. Picture: hidesy
PRESSURE: The pressure to succeed socially and economically weighs heavily on these young people, who will graduate eventually as adults. Picture: hidesy

CONSTANT reports of young lives snuffed out through suicide after internet bullying need some serious consideration but will it happen?

Those who have raised teenagers will be aware of the loser culture that pervades junior high schools.

Unwise and very ill-equipped young people are encouraged to decide who among their numbers are doomed to failure, to be "losers", usually according to their material wealth.

This is very real and considering that this is not taught to them in primary schools, just where does this attitude come from?

The pressure to succeed socially and economically weighs heavily on these young people, who will graduate eventually as adults.

Young adults take what they have learned about themselves and society into the rest of their lives but many will not survive the bullying.

They will believe they are "losers" and doomed to societal and material failure and may end up taking their own lives as a consequence.

The greatest source of this poison can be laid at the door of commercial advertising.

Here, young people, who cannot be expected to know any better, are barraged by messages of winners and losers.

Lies are compelling young people to take their lives. They become convinced they are losers.

Bullying confirms their anxieties and, sorry, this parent blames "commercial" society and its shallow material values.

A good guide to the advertising industry's nefarious methods can be gleaned from William Sargant's Battle for the Mind which investigates brainwashing after the Korean War.


Redbank Plains

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