
OPINION: Thanks Lois, I'm no Batman

QT reporter goes off half cocked when he says bats have left Yamanto

BATS RULE ROOST: The Yamanto bats are still making residents sick and sleepless. Picture: File
BATS RULE ROOST: The Yamanto bats are still making residents sick and sleepless. Picture: File

OUR letter writer, Lois Dionysius from Yamanto, in today's QT is right.

I should have gone down to see for myself whether the stinking bats had left the suburb before saying in yesterday's paper that they had gone.

Apologies to Lois and the Yamanto residents for that.

I said in the story the QT would be speaking with residents this week and I can assure you all that we will be there on Friday morning at 8.15am at Beechwood Dr to have a chat about the problems you are all facing.

Kerri Truloff, a local resident from Beechwood Dr, told me that the bats left for several weeks and then came back after Ipswich City Council and the State Government spent $65,000 on a selective clearing program on private properties.

From what we can gather the bats are still roosting in the sheoaks on the far side of the creek.

I'm not sure what the answers are.

The Yamanto crew are an appreciative bunch and Kerri tells me they are grateful for council's efforts.

But the bats seem to have won at this stage.

Anyway, thanks for your letter Lois.

It was batty of me to make assumptions.

I'll go back into my cave now.

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