
OPINION: MP given belting over fake Louis Vuitton

LET me take you inside a recent newsroom conference at one of Australia’s metropolitan newspapers.

LET me take you inside a recent newsroom conference at one of Australia's metropolitan newspapers.

An excited reporter rushes into the room and tells everyone who'll listen that she has an earth-shattering front page exclusive.

"Boss, I have just examined a photo taken at the weekend Labor Day march and have noticed something which will shock every citizen in Queensland," she tells the team of editors.

Without pausing for breath, she goes on: "You won't believe it, but Bundamba Police Minister Jo-Ann Miller was wearing a fake Louis Vuitton belt."

POLLWas Jo-Ann Miller's decision to wear a fake Louis Vuitton belt worthy of a front page lead in a metropolitan newspaper?

Silence comes over the conference as they realise the importance of this news.

The front page editor can't believe his luck, he didn't know what to put on the front - all he had was a bunch of bikies fronting court over a small brawl at the Gold Coast.

"Get the graphic artists on the phone, we need to have a large picture of her dominating the page and can we circle the LV insignia."

Quietly, a younger journalist in the room raises his hand and says, "is this such a big deal, every friend of mine who has been overseas comes back with a bag full of cheap fakes."

The front page editor pauses for just a moment, knowing full well he also has a couple of cheap fakes in his cupboard from a trip to Bali years ago.

Then he slams down his fist and says: "That's not the point - she should still be sitting on the Opposition bench."

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