
Getting a grip on 'cancel culture'

Writer laments society's bowing down to 'loud mouthed protesters'

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: What is the "Cancel-Culture" ? Is it a third millennium progression from "political correctness", out of control and taking over from commonsense"? 

Whose best interests is it serving?

Now it is our food which is being targeted. Is nothing sacred?

"What's in a name"? So, are colours next? Statues broken down; history books soon to be rewritten; historical debts to be paid; language morphing into something not in our history or Oxford dictionaries?

Dr Martin Luther King Jnr said: "History will have to realise that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamour of bad people; the appalling silence of the good people." 

But today, the good people ARE the good people affected by global instability; wondering who exactly are the instigators of all this! What have the loud-mouthed protesters to gain?

Are they just creating anarchy for the sake of it? Have they some entitlement to change what we or have, or re-invent what is sacred? Do they have a hidden agenda or ulterior motives?

Defiantly breaking our laws and putting others at risk is now ok? Is it a bridge too far?

Why are our governments dancing to the tune they play?

The minorities have risen up to destroy what has been; to make a society where the Establishment is now under new management.

Yet they rely on the old welfare systems.

Law-abiding citizens are obeying the law; trying not to offend anyone; walking on egg shells; keeping their distance and comments to themselves.

This is becoming an organisational nightmare for business; for governments; for individuals confused, not knowing how the accommodating policies will change the status quo.

"We are not makers of history; we are made by history." [Martin Luther King Jnr]

E. Rowe, Marcoola 

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