
Cancel Culture: Where does the madness end?

Even the beloved "Dr Seuss" books and "Sesame Street" aren't exempt! It is a momentous task to eliminate every offending era or icon. Who decides?


The "Cancel Culture" police are now targeting children's books!

Even the beloved "Dr Seuss" books and "Sesame Street" aren't exempt! It is a momentous task to eliminate every offending era or icon. Who decides?

Why not delete all history books, so as not to offend those whose ancestors may have caused harm to current descendants.

In reality, the social and political contexts of many icons deemed offensive today, may not align with today's society, yet are there for us to learn from.

To discount some but allow others, may itself offend certain cultures and demographics which still value these.

The popular Sydney "Mardi Gras" festival offends the Christian community, but that is ignored by the "Cancel Culture" police.

The selections for cancelling are discriminatory and subjective! Cultures are decimated at the whim of the "Cancel" police, like Judaism by the Nazis!

Today's celebrations may be offensive tomorrow.

Flags, costumes and festivals create much angst among many for whom the items trigger fear.

The Australian 'white supremacist' group's Nazi swastika and salute, are reminiscent of Nazi WWII war crimes, upsetting survivors.

Australia Day celebrations offend our "first nation's" people, but continue regardless!

We can't please all people all the time.

Why not live and let live and stop controlling and determining what is acceptable and what is not. To each his own. Tolerance is a two-way street.



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