
Boys' club eroding hope in the country

We see these male egotists, high on testosterone, battle amongst themselves and fire rubber bullets at each other

I'M STILL HERE: Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott makes his presence known. Picture: MICK TSIKAS
I'M STILL HERE: Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott makes his presence known. Picture: MICK TSIKAS

FORMER Prime Minister Tony Abbott is a thorn the side of the Federal Coalition and won't be quiet.

He gives Labor so much fodder for taking a shot at Prime Minister Mr Turnbull.

Mr Abbott is creating tension and division in federal parliament.

He is a vocal media tart who never gives up and has not accept his demise

We have witnessed the quick decline of both Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard with Labor changing horses in mid-stream; it led to their defeat and instability.

All Australians want is stable and consistent governance; it isn't a lot to ask.

They can't seem to get on with the job of running the country, like school children bickering over which party has the edge and would better serve the nation as better leaders. Presently, neither are impressive.

Now Barnaby Joyce has come out from the shadows, insisting on Mr Turnbull's resignation.

He created so much tension and upset for the Australian people.

We see these male egotists, high on testosterone, battle amongst themselves and fire rubber bullets at each other.

The media hints that Mr Turnbull's 30th bad poll should mean he have the same standard applied to Mr Abbott

Even the suggestion that Treasurer Scott Morrison is a potential contestant for prime minister overlooking the one stable, credible girl in the boys' club, Julie Bishop, is preposterous

When the boys have finished rubbishing each other with their schoolboy games, playing at politics, paid handsomely for this fiasco, we need stability.

China is a potential threat in the region and Australia is a target for foreign and embedded terrorist cells and drug cartels.



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