
Jones is just being a shock jock

SOMEHOW I don't think calling out Alan Jones for being a misogynist is really going to put too much of a dent in his ego.

A DAY IN THE LIFE: Alan Jones courts controversy as part of his job as a shock jock. Picture: Jonathan Ng
A DAY IN THE LIFE: Alan Jones courts controversy as part of his job as a shock jock. Picture: Jonathan Ng

SOMEHOW I don't think calling out Alan Jones for being a misogynist is really going to put too much of a dent in his ego.

A lot has been made of the shock jock's comments regarding NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

Personally, I would not have been any the wiser because I never listen to Jones' show, but the furore over the comments has blown them up into a national debate about whether or not he should still be on the airwaves.

As a result, a lot more people are aware of what was said, for better or worse.

For Jones and no doubt his radio station, this is another case of mission accomplished.

Having people argue ad nauseam about the things he's sprouting is precisely the role of any shock jock worth his salt.

Those radio show advertisers might be publicly admonishing his repeated criticism of women in power, but privately, who knows whether or not they really care one way or another, as long as the ratings are good.

Jones walks a tightrope of hate speech but, as we should be aware by now, he always seems to fall onto a nice big safety net of freedom of speech.

Let's not forget the fact that if people didn't tune in, he wouldn't have a show.

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