

‘I was faking it’: Nova 106.9’s Kip Wightman opens up about walking away from breakfast radio

Nova’s Kip Wightman has opened up about his sudden departure from breakfast radio, saying he found himself “faking it” on air and missing crucial moments with his son just for a pay cheque.

Nova 106.9 breakfast team in California

Kip Wightman has opened up about his sudden departure from breakfast radio, saying he found himself “faking it” on air and missing crucial moments with his son for a pay cheque.

In a shock to industry colleagues, the Brisbane radio star announced on Wednesday that he was leaving Nova’s top-rating breakfast show – Ash, Kip, Luttsy & Susie – after 15 years to focus on his personal life as a newly single parent to son Rafael, two.

Speaking to The Sunday Mail, Wightman admitted he had been considering leaving radio since he last negotiated his contract three years ago.

Having since become a father and endured a marriage breakdown, Wightman, a founding member of the Nova breakfast show, said it was a “perfect storm” that convinced him to walk away from the lucrative job.

Kip Wightman with son Rafael, two, at home after his decision to leave Nova Brisbane. Picture: Annette Dew
Kip Wightman with son Rafael, two, at home after his decision to leave Nova Brisbane. Picture: Annette Dew

“It’s the type of job that if you don’t love it then you shouldn’t be doing it because it’s a privilege and if you’re faking loving it then it takes even more out of you – the early mornings and everything else,” Wightman said.

“The last couple of years I’ve kind of been phoning it in. I haven’t been doing my best work, I haven’t really been proud of what I’ve been doing. I knew I was missing mornings with Raffy that I would never get back.”

With contract negotiations coming up for next year, Wightman met with Nova bosses on Friday, October 15 to discuss his contract for the following year and by that afternoon they had decided he wouldn’t return to the show.

“It never feels right to leave something you sort of helped build, but it felt like it was as close to right as it was going to get,” he said.

“(It was) the more I thought ‘It doesn’t really matter what they offer, nothing is going to make me happy’. Last time I might have done it for the money and I ended up divorced and lost all the money, so it doesn’t really make sense to do it for those reasons.”

Luttsy, Ash, Kip and Susie O'Neill (Ashley Bradnam, Kip Wightman, David "Luttsy" Lutteral) are leading the breakfast ratings in Brisbane for their show on Nova FM, here inside their studio in Teneriffe, Brisbane. Lyndon Mechielsen/The Australian
Luttsy, Ash, Kip and Susie O'Neill (Ashley Bradnam, Kip Wightman, David "Luttsy" Lutteral) are leading the breakfast ratings in Brisbane for their show on Nova FM, here inside their studio in Teneriffe, Brisbane. Lyndon Mechielsen/The Australian

Wightman said the challenges of separating from his wife, Amber, early this year while Rafael was still a one-year-old had played a part in the decision.

“It’s another example of when you’re faking it, it sort of takes more out of you,” he said. “I was doing my best to make out like everything’s great but I actually needed the time I’m going to take now probably a year ago.

“To a big extent I stopped sharing a lot of my life this last year. I felt like the stuff I’d normally done on the show I stopped doing, so I wasn’t really being the person I’ve been for the past 15 years.”

“That was definitely part of it as well, having a rough year. I’m on the better side of that now.”

After making the decision, Wightman called his co-hosts, David Lutteral, Ash Bradnam and Susie O’Neill, who had recently celebrated a consecutive ratings win.

Kip and Amber Wightman confirmed their separation in March. Picture: Luke Marsden
Kip and Amber Wightman confirmed their separation in March. Picture: Luke Marsden

“Everyone was pretty shocked because in a way it’s strange timing to leave when we’re rating the best we ever have but in the same essence I feel like I’m leaving the show in a really positive space and I don’t really have anything more to prove there either,” he said. “It’s kind of like players retiring after a premiership.”

He has already had conversations with radio bosses and admits there is “still an itch to scratch” in broadcasting, but any return to radio won’t be until mid-2022. With the financial support of his successful radio career, Wightman will take time to be a father until then.

“There would be a lot of single dads that would love to be able to say ‘hey I’m going to spend some time with my kid’ but then I also think all the more reason I should take it,” he said.

“Maybe it’s done for radio but certainly from the conversations I’ve had so far there are some pretty exciting opportunities coming up next year that will be hard to stay away from.”

“I’m thankful I’m going to have this opportunity to have a good break and I’m excited about doing radio again, hopefully next year, and being excited again.”

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