
Remember this, your mother will never forget you and never stop loving you

Gympie region sons and daughters have sent some special messages to their mums ahead of Mother’s Day, and they will melt your heart. Happy Mother’s Day.

Happy Mother's Day to mums throughout the Gympie region. We salute you and we thank you for all that you do.
Happy Mother's Day to mums throughout the Gympie region. We salute you and we thank you for all that you do.

The bond that a child develops with his mother can never be severed.

You grew as an organism inside her for nine months.

She carried you and sustained you, sharing her sustenance with you through your umbilical cord.

When you are born the cord is severed. It is never severed in her heart.

That bond lasts forever.

As we grow up we become our own people and may come to forget that woman who nurtured and loved us.

But remember this, she will never forget you and never stop loving you.


We invited Gympie Times Facebook followers to share their tributes to their mums, or special mums who live in our region.

The result was an avalanche of love that would melt the hardest heart. Here are the best of those tributes:

1. Lauren Schweitzer posted:

My mum is my best friend! She deserves the world. She raised my brothers and I by herself (no easy feat with twin boys, ha!). And she is now an amazing grandmother to my little girl. I would be lost without her!

Love you Tanya Howard.

My mum is my best friend! She deserves the world. She raised my brothers and I by herself (no easy feat with twin boys, ha!). And she is now an amazing grandmother to my little girl. I would be lost without her! Love you. by Lauren Schweitzer
My mum is my best friend! She deserves the world. She raised my brothers and I by herself (no easy feat with twin boys, ha!). And she is now an amazing grandmother to my little girl. I would be lost without her! Love you. by Lauren Schweitzer

2. Pauline Grant posted:

Most mum’s work tirelessly, are wonderful and go above and beyond. Without mums the world would stop spinning. Women are what keeps the world on its axis.

3. Linda Green posted:

Lynn Murdoch was a truly awesome mum, her children and grandchildren were her world, she was also a wonderful daughter, and wife, and it was the simple things she did for her family that meant so much, her life was so important to so many people, it‘s a love that can never be replaced.

4. Hope Ward posted:

My amazing Mum, Sam Ward. Goes above and beyond for everybody and never fails to do anything she can to help out.

I had my first baby 2 weeks ago and she has been nothing but an absolute angel - she is the nurse manager at the emergency department in gympie and works long hours, 5 days a week... still she comes after work with cooked meals, shopping, or just to come by and drop in and see how we are. She’s always been amazing but she has become the best first time grandmother to our little girl and I cannot thank her enough.

My other 3 siblings also have sports all during that week and games on the weekends and she never misses a game or never fails to take the kids to their training sessions.

She is amazing, I nominate my Mum 💗💗💗💗 Thank you for being you

5. Sammy Murdoch posted:

My Mum Lynn Murdoch was the best Mum, she was always putting us first and nothing was ever an issue, unfortunately she died suddenly in August and this will be the first Mother’s Day without her. She truly was one of a kind and I am forever grateful I got to call her my Mum.

6. Leightrisha Paulsen posted:

My mum Sandra McLean. She made sure we were happy. Needs a medal actually raising us 12 kids like there was no tomorrow.

Mother's Day photo posted by Leightrisha Paulsen.
Mother's Day photo posted by Leightrisha Paulsen.

7. Loree Preston posted:

My AMAZING mother. Donna Preston. She is the best Mother, GG to all her kids and grandchildren. She is the glue that holds the family togehter. I honestly would be lost without her. I Love you Mum. Best Mother Ever.

Mother's Day photo posted by Loree Preson.
Mother's Day photo posted by Loree Preson.

8. Kahlee Randell posted:

Our mum, Paula English, is a shining star and the most selfless, generous and loving mum. She is always there for us with love, advice, help and food haha! She absolutely adores her grand kids and they adore her right back, always wanting to sleep over at Nonna‘s. We would be lost without her. Love you to the moon and back Mum.

Also, my mother in law Karen Connor, is one in a million. She too is always there for us, helping with anything we need and doting on all of her grand kids, who all adore her. How lucky we are to have her and her love and support Love you times a million Mum.

9. Peta Chapman posted:

My mum has always gone above and beyond for me. The friendship we have is amazing and now she has a beautiful granddaughter to do the same for. I thank her for showing me the true love of a mother and I hope that I have the same friendship with my daughter Sue Chapman.

Mother's Day pic posted by Peta Chapman.
Mother's Day pic posted by Peta Chapman.

10. Anne-maree Whittingham posted:

Tammy Whittingham, I would like to innominate my mum because she is a amazing mother and a grandmother if me or my son needs anything she is right there with you. She is very encouraging and gives good support. Me and my son would be lost with out her.

11. Juanita Green posted:

My mum Kathy is my super hero always there when we need her, beat cancer, currently on the mend from heart surgery and still has time for our daily chats and listen to my rent about my children. Would love to see her for Mother’s Day but unfortunately won‘t be able to but will video chat her with my crazy children wishing her the very best day!

12. Zoe Holzberger posted:

I nominate a brilliant mum and step-mum, Lauren Bryan. She goes above and beyond for her beautiful family and is a complete weapon of a mummy!!! All of her kids are her world.

13. Shane Malone posted:

We would like to nominate our Mummy Stacey Jones, who is always there for super big cuddles, who is kind and loving and the best role model we could ask for in a Mummy. Oh, and makes the yummiest cupcakes ever!!!! We love our Mum.

Mother's Day photo posted by Shane Malone.
Mother's Day photo posted by Shane Malone.

14. Emily Jane Allwood Bassett posted:

Jenni Stokes is the best Mum, Aunt, Ma, Sister, Cousin and Friend anyone could possibly ever have. She has the most supportive, loving, and caring soul. She’s a real rock whom I’ll forever be blessed to have in mine and my children’s lives. She’s a real gem with the biggest heart and the widest arms. She’s so welcoming, comforting, and encouraging. She truly goes above and beyond. We love you.

Mother's Day photo posted by Emily Jane Allwood Bassett
Mother's Day photo posted by Emily Jane Allwood Bassett

15. Isabella Hope posted:

Mischelle Nicholls- she missed out on so much so all of us kids had everything we needed. I most likely wouldn't have a back bone if it weren't for her.


16. Ruth Elizabeth Brown posted:

Lauren Bryan. I nominate you. At a young age you took on two little kiddies that needed you badly. All the training you had helping your mum came in very handy...... You have always helped others and raised a small tribe. I am truly blessed to know you. You only knew me a short while and yet took my whole family into your house when we needed a home for a little while. Fed, sheltered and loved us all when we invaded your home with 2 kids, 2 adults, 10 dogs, countless poultry and reptiles and cats. Plus helped us empty that trailer how many times? You are the best and so is your family. Big shout out to your mum and dad/pop too. They have helped us heaps too.

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