
Opportunities the bypass will create and how Rattler fits in

THERE is some concern about the proposed bypass taking business away from Gympie. But the bypass can offer great opportunities, including for active tourism.

The Bruce Hwy bypass can offer great opportunities for the Gympie region, including for active tourism. Picture: Chris Ison ROK150418cmountainbik
The Bruce Hwy bypass can offer great opportunities for the Gympie region, including for active tourism. Picture: Chris Ison ROK150418cmountainbik


THERE is some concern about the proposed bypass taking business away from Gympie. But the bypass can offer great opportunities, including for active tourism.

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As a cyclist the Old Bruce Highway is fantastic.

The Bruce Hwy bypass can offer great opportunities for the Gympie region, including for active tourism. Picture: Chris Ison ROK150418cmountainbik
The Bruce Hwy bypass can offer great opportunities for the Gympie region, including for active tourism. Picture: Chris Ison ROK150418cmountainbik

Thirty kilometres of good quality road with few cars.

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Sure, it was a fun change to cycle over Mt Coot-tha recently, but I far prefer our quiet, sealed, rural roads which have fewer potholes than Brisbane roads.

The roads around Gympie are scenic and have varying levels of challenge.

Maybe the Rattler could have a goods wagon that people could put bikes on so they could then cycle through the Valley or back to Gympie.

The Bruce Hwy bypass can offer great opportunities for the Gympie region, including for active tourism.
The Bruce Hwy bypass can offer great opportunities for the Gympie region, including for active tourism.

Then there are the mountain bike trails at Victory Forest. The esplanade and bike paths at Tin Can Bay are an excellent resource for families.

For those who prefer to walk there are trails up mountains and along the river.

Then there are places on the Mary River and in Imbil and Kandanga where kayaks and paddle boards can be launched.

Wildlife enthusiast Greg Roberts set off in a kayak in pursuit of the Mary River crocodile. The Bruce Hwy bypass can offer great opportunities for the Gympie region, including for active tourism. Picture: Contributed
Wildlife enthusiast Greg Roberts set off in a kayak in pursuit of the Mary River crocodile. The Bruce Hwy bypass can offer great opportunities for the Gympie region, including for active tourism. Picture: Contributed

How about competition where people send in their favourite cycle, run, or walk routes, or water activity in the region along with a couple of photos?

This would get us locals appreciating the great things we have.

It will also encourage us to be more active and healthy.

Meanwhile the competition would also be a basis for an "Active Gympie" tourist promotion.

People would be encouraged to stay over in the region and be active on foot, on bike or on the water.

Dan Stewart,

Councillor, Division 5,

Gympie Regional Council

Cr Dan Stewart. Picture: Tom Daunt
Cr Dan Stewart. Picture: Tom Daunt

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