
Lutherans welcome new Gympie Pastor

IN what parishioners hope is 'a new walk with the Lord', Pastor Frank Rasenberger was installed as the new Pastor for the Gympie Lutheran parish on Sunday.

IN what parishioners hope is 'a new walk with the Lord', Pastor Frank Rasenberger was installed as the new Pastor for the Gympie Lutheran parish on Sunday.

This Sunday, Pastor Frank will take that giant step by filling the big shoes left by Pastor August Fricke who retired in July last year.

Pastor Frank looks forward to ministering to his new Parish and hopes to conduct the services in a way that everyone will feel included and welcome.

Joined by his wife Anne and son Josiah, Pastor Frank is ready to take on the challenge of three churches in the Gympie parish after eight years with a small Lutheran community in Crows Nest.

In Gympie for just over a month, they have been acquainting themselves with the area and are so far impressed by the town and the various aspects of parish life.

It took five weeks of deliberation, soul searching and praying for Pastor Frank and his wife to settle on moving to Gympie - a decision they are glad they made.

“We were very happy where we were at Crows Nest but after eight years we were also willing to consider a call to Gympie,” Pastor Frank said. “We came to have a look a couple of times last year and once we found out more about the church, parish and community, we were quite impressed with Gympie.”

Sunday's installation service of Pastor Frank was led by the Lutheran Church of Australia, Queensland District president Pastor Tim Jaensch.

During the service, Pastor Frank and his family were welcomed into the Gympie Christian family as well as the wider community, and Anne and Josiah were welcomed into church membership at Zion Gympie.

The service was followed by lunch in the hall which gave everyone a chance to relax and introduce themselves to their new minister and his family.

“We know their contribution will be a blessing to all those that they meet,” Zion Gympie chairman Rhonda Weller said.

Lutheran Gympie's Spiritual Life Committee member Nolene Stark was one of four parishioners to select Pastor Frank after meeting with him last year. She said the group had been waiting for Pastor Frank to come along since Pastor Fricke's retirement in July last year.

“Fourteen years with Pastor Fricke was fantastic but we are hoping this New Year brings a new era for Gympie's Lutheran parish,” Mrs Stark said.

With Pastor Frank's input, the committee hopes to draft a three-year congregation plan in the near future.

“I like to empower people so they can help others,” Pastor Frank told The Gympie Times. “I look for the gifts people have and help facilitate them to go for it. And by including them I hope they can see the church as family.”

Originally published as Lutherans welcome new Gympie Pastor

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