
How Gympie mum Chelsea Dixon lost 60kg | Weight loss tips

A Gympie mum of four has shared her simple secrets after making the life-changing decision to lose more than half her body weight.

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Everything changed for Gympie mum of four Chelsea Dixon when she saw a photo of herself a friend had posted on Facebook and didn’t recognise the person staring back at her.

The photo motivated Chelsea to change her life around so she started researching.

After looking up all the quick fixes, fad diets and even surgery, Chelsea stumbled across the The Healthy Mummy 28-day challenge which goes back to the basics of healthy recipes and exercise.

“I followed the 28-day challenge month after month and within 14 months I had lost 60kg,” Chelsea said.

“Now it’s been about 14 months and I’ve maintained that weight loss.”

Chelsea Dixon never thought it would be possible to make the changes, but after implementing small changes into her everyday life she was transformed into a whole new person.
Chelsea Dixon never thought it would be possible to make the changes, but after implementing small changes into her everyday life she was transformed into a whole new person.

The biggest changes Chelsea made was substituting certain food items and decreasing her portion sizes.

“Instead of having the whole bag of chips, I would only have half, instead of having coke I would have water,” she said.

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“I feel that has made them sustainable changes rather than cutting everything out and going full throttle.”

Coupled with her new eating habits, Chelsea would also go for a 30 minute walk around her block.

“I’d lost 40kg from that and then someone encouraged me to run and I decided that I would give it a go,” she said.

The Gympie mum of four said she had to figure out why she was overeating in order to change her habits and find out the root of the problem.
The Gympie mum of four said she had to figure out why she was overeating in order to change her habits and find out the root of the problem.

“I couldn’t even run for five seconds but within 18 months from starting my weight loss journey, I ran an ultra marathon.

“So basically my thing is that anything is possible you just have to try.”

Looking back on her journey over the last three years, Chelsea said it had been “life-changing” and she had a new-found confidence which allowed her to be more social and spontaneous.

“My kids didn't have a very good example growing up,” she said

“Now, they actually have someone who can go on holidays and enjoy the sun and go to the beach, so it's been life changing not just for myself but for my family.

“It was the best decision I have ever made.”

Chelsea Dixon finishing the 50km marathon in October 2020.
Chelsea Dixon finishing the 50km marathon in October 2020.

Chelsea believed anyone was capable of forming better habits if they started with small changes and hoped her story could inspire others who were in the same position she’d been in.

“Being the woman that sat on the couch, the advice is just to try and do your best because separating who you as a mum and looking after your health will change your whole outlook on life,” she said.

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“It doesn’t have to be a lot, it could be just a five minute workout today which could lead to a thirty minute workout next month.

“We think that getting to a number is going to make us happy but it doesn’t, it's all about self-confidence and self-appreciation, you just need to be comfortable in your own skin.”

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