
Gympie, Fraser Coast, Bundaberg TMR service centres shut for all but ‘essentials’

As the Covid pandemic heads towards its peak in Queensland, Transport and Main Roads has announced it will close its Gympie, Hervey Bay and Bundaberg service centres for the next two weeks. Here’s what you need to know:

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Transport and Main Road service centres across the Wide Bay and Queensland have been shut for all but essential services as Covid continues to spread across the state.

The State department announced the change to “help keep you and our people safe” on Monday morning, saying the restricted access would remain until Friday, February 4.

DTMR has service centres in Gympie, Hervey Bay and Bundaberg.

TMR-led QGAP (Queensland Government Agent Program) offices are affected by the changes also.

Customers are advised they can attend centres regardless of their vaccination status if the service cannot be completed over the phone or online and meets at least one of three criteria.

These are that the service is required before Monday, February 7, that it will have financial or legal implications if not done, or that is needed to support ongoing employment.

Face masks will need to be worn if customers visit the centres, and they will have to check in using QR codes.

Opening hours at Transport and Main Roads customer service centres including Hervey Bay’s have been changed to 8am-4pm due to resourcing issues.
Opening hours at Transport and Main Roads customer service centres including Hervey Bay’s have been changed to 8am-4pm due to resourcing issues.

A Facebook post on TMR’s page said 60 services were available to customers online.

These include renewing registrations or licences and changing contact details.

Customers can still attend for services including registering a car for the first time, where number plates must be issued, and where photos need to be taken for identification.

The access restrictions were not the only changes announced either.

Opening hours at the department’s customer resource centres have been changed to 8am-4pm due to staff resourcing problems.

A TMR spokesman said the changes were made as “protecting Queenslanders’ safety and their livelihoods is our top priority”.

“To reduce face-to-face interactions in our centres, customers are encouraged to complete transactions online and to visit in person when essential,” he said.

“Customers are asked to review the essential services criteria before heading in.

“Practical driving tests have not been affected by this service change and will continue as scheduled.”

On Tuesday afternoon the TMR phone lines were saying customers could expect to wait 25-35 minutes to be answered.

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