
Gympie centre refutes dementia neglect claim

Claims of threat to jobs for ignoring consent requests 'untrue', spokeswoman said.

Claims Grevillea Gardens staff have been told they will lose their jobs if they treat dementia patients who say 'no' have been slammed as 'untrue'. Picture: LPETTET
Claims Grevillea Gardens staff have been told they will lose their jobs if they treat dementia patients who say 'no' have been slammed as 'untrue'. Picture: LPETTET

AN ACCUSATION of jobs being under threat for dementia care at Gympie's Grevillea Gardens has been refuted outright as "untrue” by Blue Care.

The Gympie Times was contacted yesterday by an anonymous source claiming staff had been told by management they "will be fired if they touch (dementia suffering) residents who say 'no'.

"It conflicts with our duty of care because dementia residents cannot consent because they don't know what consent is any more,” they said.


It is a claim Blue Care has rejected.

"These claims are untrue.

"Our number one priority is ensuring all of our residents receive high quality and safe care, including our residents living with dementia,” a spokeswoman said.

'UNTRUE': Blue Care refutes a claim jobs have been threatened if staff give care to a dementia patient who says 'no'. Picture: Troy Jegers
'UNTRUE': Blue Care refutes a claim jobs have been threatened if staff give care to a dementia patient who says 'no'. Picture: Troy Jegers

A Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union spokeswoman said they would be concerned if an edict, such as had been suggested, was issued.

"We would be concerned about a blanket directive applying to all residents with dementia in relation to consent and refusal of care,” the spokeswoman said.

"Assessment must be patient-centred and determinations about capacity to consent must be patient and matter specific.

Issues of consent to nursing care in dementia are not black and white.

"There are a number of complex factors to consider.”

Read related topics:Aged Care

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