
Dairy farmer says ‘He gets us’ of Barnaby Joyce

Llew O'Brien's campaign director praises Barnbaby Joyce visit

IN TOWN: Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce during his visit to Gympie this week. Picture: Renee Albrecht
IN TOWN: Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce during his visit to Gympie this week. Picture: Renee Albrecht

THE voters of Wide Bay could be forgiven for taking for granted yet another visit from the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, Barnaby Joyce MP.

After all, our former local member was the Deputy Prime Minister since the Coalition won Government in September 2013.

The fact that the Deputy Prime Minister has visited the Wide Bay electorate twice already this campaign, demonstrates how important the Wide Bay electorate is to the Turnbull Joyce Coalition Government.

Whilst in the region, the Deputy Prime Minister met with some of the regions prominent dairy farmers to hear and understand their concerns for the industry in which they operate. As one dairy farmer said "he gets it, he understands our issues".

We've also had visits from the former Prime Minister Tony Abbott MP, Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt MP, Senator Barry O'Sullivan and Senator James McGrath.

Furthermore, funding allocations such as the $5 million towards the new aquatic centre, almost $550,000 to upgrade the Pavilion, ongoing funding for the Bruce Highway upgrade, etc, again demonstrates that the Turnbull Joyce Coalition Government does not take the July 2 election result for granted.

When you combine the Turnbull Joyce Coaliation Government's demonstrated commitment to Wide Bay with the local and strong voice of the LNP's candidate for Wide Bay Llew O'Brien, you have a team that is committed to building a better future for local families and businesses.

Ben Ellingsen,

The Dawn.

(campaign manager Llew O'Brien Wide Bay LNP candidate)

Mean Spirited

JENNY Moxham's letter (GT, May 28) is mean spirited and nasty.

She is quite happy to dance on the graves of dairy farmers, but while professing to love the domesticated animals, she condemns them to a miserable death, and probable extinction.

Ms Moxham, who has had no experience with dairy cattle, wants the dairy industry shut down. Okay, what happens to all those cattle?

The farmers have gone broke; they can no longer afford to care for their animals. The cattle have to be turned out to make way for fruit and vegetables to feed the population as these vegan morons want to stop all meat industries.

What happens to those cattle? A vegan veterinary student (fair dinkum!) gave us the answer. After most of the cattle die from starvation, thirst, disease, wild dogs, motor vehicles, the few that survive can be put in a paddock that is not suitable for fruit and veg. Brilliant!

Why didn't we dairy farmers think of that? Probably because we don't starve our brains of animal proteins.

The animal libbers, Animals Australia, Peta, Voiceless, Brainless, spread lies, half truths and dubious statistics to destroy hard working people who are trying to feed the world, but they don't build animal shelters or do anything positive to help animals in real need.

People like Ms Moxham want to see the eradication (genocide) of all domesticated animals. If they succeed, they will cause massive famine.

John & Jenny Cameron,

'Woop Woop',

Lagoon Pocket.

State of Tagigan Rd

I WOULD like the opportunity to bring to Gympie Regional Council attention, through your columns, the appalling condition of the gravel section of Tagigan Rd, because, in my most recent experience, formally approaching GRC on the matter is yet another exercise in futility.

My advising GRC that a portion of this road, that in my opinion is likely to cause an accident, is not seemingly inspiration enough for a reply of any merit, other than a generic reply of three lines accompanied by twenty four lines of wavers and exemptions.

My partner has just received a phone call from from GRC saying that this road will be graded in a month or so.

This call was not a fruitful result of her going through the GRC website, but rather as a result of a phone inquiry as to why there had been no response for more than three weeks.

The GRC representative also said that the grader program has a priority basis.

One can only speculate as to the criteria on which any priority is based, and could be forgiven for thinking that Tagigan Rd, as a through road for tourist and tour bus traffic to and from Rainbow Beach, should elevate itself above side roads and roads of lesser use, for that reason alone.

For months this road has boasted protruding shards of rock bigger than a man's fist, which have been blackened by repetitive impact with tyres.

As the road surface erodes, the rocks become more prominent and finally break free, to become an even greater hazard.

Added to this are the horrendous corrugations at the southern end of the gravel section of Tagigan Rd, and a series of eight large potholes, capable of sending a vehicle off the road into a culvert.

How any inspection of this road by a servant of the public has not resulted in action to have it graded immediately, in my opinion, it is a reflection on that officer and/or the attitude of GRC towards public safety. And what a welcome to visitors entering GRC territory.

I think it is reprehensible that GRC obviously knows there are issues with these road surfaces, but rather that fix them, erect signs, which are not only for your benefit, but also are a means of avoiding litigation.

Other examples of this social irresponsibility are signs that say "80 Ends", as opposed to "100", and "Drive to prevailing road conditions" where the word "bad" should precede "road" and is conspicuous by its absence.

Finally, when the grader arrives, let us hope that there is some comprehensive traffic control in place, as opposed to the most recent grading of both Tagigan and Anderleigh Rds, where there was no traffic control other than a "40" sign.

The situation of a wind row compressing opposing traffic into one lane over crests and around curves is surely a recipe for disaster and well outside Qld. State requirements? And guess who pays if GRC is found negligent in anything at all?

Charlie Hill,

Tagigan Rd,


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